Need help with font color change
At the bottom of my homepage there is a contact link. It is showing up as the accent color. I want it to appear the same as the text in my menu, and like that text, to change to the hover color when hovered over. How do I code this?
try this
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
ok then
when you added your contact info you can add in the color there like this
<a href="" target="_self" id="yui_3_8_0_1_1377613695789_831"><div style="text-align: center; font-size: 12px; color:red;" id="yui_3_8_0_1_1377613695789_830"><span id="yui_3_8_0_1_1377613695789_832">Contact</span></div></a>
For example, in CSS: change the color and font size as desired, then in the HTML box: --- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Can't get it to work it shows up everywhere except where I want it.
My Fine Art Photography
My Infrared Photography
.sm-page-layout-region-footer a {color: red !important;}
.sm-page-layout-region-footer a:hover {color: blue !important;}
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It worked! But here is the million dollar question, how did you identify the element to be changed? I'm finding this to be not so easy in comparison to legacy smugmug.
My Fine Art Photography
My Infrared Photography
My Website index | My Blog
Ahh! Now I get it. Thank You!!
My Fine Art Photography
My Infrared Photography
One more question. Where, using these tools, would I find the css that I added? This is what I can't figure out if I am trying to see what someone else has done on their site.
My Fine Art Photography
My Infrared Photography
Links in my siggy.
Tutor for WebDev.
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