Moss Header/Background Problem
I am having trouble with the Moss site design and how the header seems to scroll as the users scroll down any of the site pages. I did see a setting in Customize --> Customize Site --> Theme Tab --> Active Theme --> Clicked wrench to edit (current using Rust Light) --> Background Tab --> Scroll Background. When I change this to Fixed and try to click Done it asks me to enter a Name under the Basic tab. I'm guessing it wants to save a custom theme. I try entering a name and clicking done again but the window never closes and I'm stuck on the Create Theme box. What am I missing? This is the only setting I could see that would possibly affect the header from scrolling. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Here is my site,
Thanks in advance
Here is my site,
Thanks in advance
IE 10 and newest firefox. Still wont save the theme settings.
Dallasw - I still see the title and the menus scrolling to cover the images as I move down the page. What other setting am I missing?
Oh, I see. I misunderstood what you were asking for. Having the header stick to the top is called Pinning. The settings for that can be found in Customize-> Customize Site -> Entire Site -> Layout Tab -> Under Pinning, set the Section to 'None'.
Awesome thank you, I can see this is going to take me some time to get used to all these new features. Thanks again Dallasw