Customizing Search page, lots of wasted space?

There is probably an easy answer to this, but I haven't been able to figure it out. Hoping maybe someone here knows this off the top of their head. I've modified the search page a tiny bit, and added keywords to below the search block. However, the search block is annoyingly larger than it needs to be. I get the "Area reserved for default Smugmug content" green box around it, and it's huge compared to the actual search field. So there's this enormous blank gap from the bottom of the search field to where the keywords start.
Is the only answer to create my own "custom" search page instead of using the default Smugmug one?
Is the only answer to create my own "custom" search page instead of using the default Smugmug one?
Nevermind, I tried creating my own custom Search page and that did it.
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I found no setting for this.
I have not unveiled so I can switch back to legacy and use the keywords there where they do work.
I just recently went through ever video and fixed my links in each caption so I can open the video in
lightbox rather then viewing the small size on the gallery page.
My Website index | My Blog
I didn't have to set anything to make that happen, it just did it automatically as far as I know. I just dropped in the Keyword Cloud, set it to Display Style: "List" and put the Max Number at 250 (because that's the SmugMug limit, which many of us think is ridiculous).
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There is a difference between the default keyword search block, which cannot be changed into cloud, to a block you drag into a customized page.
But I just ceated a customized search page, and the keyword list displays all keywords the same.
Here's the link, maybe someone would know why:
"reflections" has 103 photos,
"bamba baby" only has 5
and I just found out that "umbrellas" lost its photos, or rather the photos lost their keywords suddenly