Menu drop delay

Is there some CSS I can add to delay the horizontal menu drop? Sliding the mouse down the page and
over/past the menu pops out the drop way too quickly. This is quite annoying when passing over the
menu. I'd like to have the mouse stop and hover the main button with a delay before the drop pops out.
over/past the menu pops out the drop way too quickly. This is quite annoying when passing over the
menu. I'd like to have the mouse stop and hover the main button with a delay before the drop pops out.
transition-delay: 2s;
Also seemed to affect other Smug menus.
Still get an occasional flash of the drop but not bad. Thanks
.sm-page-widget-nav-toplink .yui3-menu-children:first-child{
transition-delay: .5s;
If I quickly drag down over a button with a long list of drops and stop down
below in the area of the big drop, the drop shows? Maybe add a sensitively area
to only include the main button height/area? Maybe reach.
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