Uploaded CONSTANTLY Crashing

Darter02Darter02 Registered Users Posts: 947 Major grins
edited September 17, 2013 in Bug Reporting
For the past couple of weeks the uploader has been crashing over and over. I've been trying to be patient but today my patience is wearing thin. So many little bugs are making me nuts.

I drag/drop a file into to it and get this screen.


If I hit the simple uploader it crashes too. I end up having to close the browser window (Firefox), and when I reopen my site in a new browser I have to manually log into my site all over again.


  • zacHer0zacHer0 Registered Users Posts: 655 Major grins
    edited September 12, 2013
    Sorry you are having uploading problems! Can you try updating Java and Flash then try again? Are you running an updated version of Firefox? Do you have a firewall that might be blocking SmugMug uploads?

    Zac Williams
    Support Hero
  • beardedgitbeardedgit Registered Users Posts: 854 Major grins
    edited September 12, 2013
    zacHer0 wrote: »
    Sorry you are having uploading problems! Can you try updating Java and Flash then try again? Are you running an updated version of Firefox? Do you have a firewall that might be blocking SmugMug uploads?
    :jawdropI'm trying to get my head around that.
    SM's got many known and nobody-knows how many as-yet unknown bugs, yet the first suspects are Java, Flash, Firefox and firewalls? eek7.gifheadscratch.gif

    The error-window in the screenshot says it's that SM has a problem with the HTML5 uploader, so either the uploader's playing up or the error-window is wrong. Either way, surely the first suspect has to be SM?
    Yippee ki-yay, footer-muckers!
  • zacHer0zacHer0 Registered Users Posts: 655 Major grins
    edited September 12, 2013
    Yes I asked those follow up questions because we haven't received other reports of your problem, and thousands of other people are uploading just fine :)

    Please make sure Java and Flash are updated, and make sure you are running a recent version of FF and not any firewalls blocking SmugMug uploads. Perhaps try resetting your router and computer, then try again. If you are still having trouble send us an email and we can have you run some traceroute tests to see if the problem is with your network.

    Almost always upload problems are on the user's end, unless there are widespread reports, which right now there are not.
    Zac Williams
    Support Hero
  • dennismullendennismullen Registered Users Posts: 709 Major grins
    edited September 12, 2013
    zacHer0 wrote: »
    Yes I asked those follow up questions because we haven't received other reports of your problem, and thousands of other people are uploading just fine :)

    Not so. I can attest to the fact this happens frequently. Then you have to log in again and of course the log in page wont remember your information so you have to type it in every time.

    People are having so many issues that never get responded to that they have given up.
    Right now when I do a keyword search I get a page that says "no pictures" and everything is very slow.

    I have logged many problems here and they are ignored.
    See my gallery at http://www.dennismullen.com
  • zacHer0zacHer0 Registered Users Posts: 655 Major grins
    edited September 12, 2013
    I can attest to the fact this happens frequently. .

    What exactly happens when you try to upload? How often does it happen? What screen do you see? What browser? Have you tried using the Simple uploader suggestion?
    Zac Williams
    Support Hero
  • pilotdavepilotdave Registered Users Posts: 785 Major grins
    edited September 12, 2013
    zacHer0 wrote: »
    Yes I asked those follow up questions because we haven't received other reports of your problem, and thousands of other people are uploading just fine :)

    I had it happen yesterday. Firefox 23. At first the "try another uploader" button wasn't responding. Finally switched to Java (didn't it used to be drag and drop compatible?), and then back to HTML5, which worked that time.

  • Darter02Darter02 Registered Users Posts: 947 Major grins
    edited September 12, 2013
    zacHer0 wrote: »
    Sorry you are having uploading problems! Can you try updating Java and Flash then try again? Are you running an updated version of Firefox? Do you have a firewall that might be blocking SmugMug uploads?


    My Java, Flash, and Firefox were updated to latest versions. No firewall is blocking this.
  • Darter02Darter02 Registered Users Posts: 947 Major grins
    edited September 12, 2013
    Also, I'm assuming it was you in my settings/ site statistics? Learn anything?
  • zacHer0zacHer0 Registered Users Posts: 655 Major grins
    edited September 12, 2013
    Darter02 wrote: »
    Also, I'm assuming it was you in my settings/ site statistics? Learn anything?

    Yes was me :). Was just looking for upload failure reports which there were none. Clearly not everyone is having uploading issues to SmugMug but at least 3-4 of you in this thread are, and that means that there might be more too. I'm going to escalate this and see if Bonocore can look into it.
    Zac Williams
    Support Hero
  • mbonocorembonocore Registered Users Posts: 2,299 Major grins
    edited September 12, 2013
    zacHer0 wrote: »
    Yes was me :). Was just looking for upload failure reports which there were none. Clearly not everyone is having uploading issues to SmugMug but at least 3-4 of you in this thread are, and that means that there might be more too. I'm going to escalate this and see if Bonocore can look into it.

    Looking...thanks Zac!
  • Darter02Darter02 Registered Users Posts: 947 Major grins
    edited September 13, 2013
    Cool beans.
  • PrezwoodzPrezwoodz Registered Users Posts: 1,147 Major grins
    edited September 13, 2013
    Just to throw it out there I've been having this problem as well but it is pretty specific.

    I log in and upload photos then leave it running. After a while I'm assuming my login times out because if I try to upload again I get the same error you are getting.

    But I can navigate the site just fine and see everything as an admin. If I close the tab it doesn't work. If I navigate and try to come back it doesn't work. I have to close my browser (Chrome) all the way and open it back up then it finally says I'm not logged in and can login then it works.

    Just thought maybe it would help show where theres an issue!

    Thanks heroes!
  • Darter02Darter02 Registered Users Posts: 947 Major grins
    edited September 13, 2013
    When I'm processing many days' worth of stuff, and I'm uploading an image or two every few minutes, I tend to leave an uploader window open. I'll see if the crash happens during these prolonged sessions. I didn't draw a link to that before.
  • elizabelizab Registered Users Posts: 14 Big grins
    edited September 16, 2013
    I'm having the same problem all the time. I get exactly the same screen. No firewall. Simple uploader doesn't solve it btw. If I hit the refresh key and retry several (like a dozen) times, I usually finally get a working upload screen and am able to proceed and get a gallery uploaded. .

    Everything used to work just fine till I launched new SmugMug for my site. SUCH a drag when I am a busy professional and plenty else to do besides battle this bug.
  • moirainemoiraine Registered Users Posts: 123 Major grins
    edited September 16, 2013
    I've been trying to replicate this bug for days, (basically every time I'm needing to upload something for testing or something). I know this is a problem because of all the reports, but still can't pinpoint exactly what's going on.

    After reading different reports, can anyone say that it ever fails upon a fresh start, or only if the browser has been running for a while? (and how long is a while?)

    Does it appear to matter where you try to upload from, or upload TO? (to this gallery, to existing gallery, to new gallery?)

    Does it seem to matter if things have already been dragged into the uploader, or if it's just a single item?

    How about file size?

    What's important to note about these answers is that the really helpful data isn't the sporadic ones, it's what you can consistently replicate, so that we can replicate it to investigate.

    I've tried against chrome, firefox, as well as across mac and windows, but haven't experienced any issues yet... but I promise I've been investigating...
  • dennismullendennismullen Registered Users Posts: 709 Major grins
    edited September 17, 2013
    When it crashes and I open smugmug again I am logged out so I have to log in again (with the usual pain of having to type in my email and password).
    So far I always get the first upload without trouble. For a while it tended to crash on the second upload. I do often switch upload galleries.
    I always close the uploader after each upload batch. Lately I've had better luck but I don't upload as much because the problems with smugmug have seriously slowed my productivity.
    My browser is Firefox.

    See my gallery at http://www.dennismullen.com
  • Darter02Darter02 Registered Users Posts: 947 Major grins
    edited September 17, 2013
    I've not been uploading as much this week due to having a house guest. I'm afraid I can't tell you if this is still happening or not. Once I get time to get back to processing I'll take note of how I do things, and what happens.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited September 17, 2013
    When it crashes and I open smugmug again I am logged out so I have to log in again (with the usual pain of having to type in my email and password).

    Why not use a password manager like http://www.lastpass.com ? It's amazing, you only need remember ONE strong password and it handles the rest (including filling in your username and pw on Smugmug). I manage 4 different SM sites, and it's a cinch.
  • dennismullendennismullen Registered Users Posts: 709 Major grins
    edited September 17, 2013
    Andy wrote: »
    Why not use a password manager like http://www.lastpass.com ? It's amazing, you only need remember ONE strong password and it handles the rest (including filling in your username and pw on Smugmug). I manage 4 different SM sites, and it's a cinch.

    Firefox has an even better solution. It remembers your name and password so you don't have to type anything in. It works for everything except smugmugs new log in page.
    See my gallery at http://www.dennismullen.com
  • beardedgitbeardedgit Registered Users Posts: 854 Major grins
    edited September 17, 2013
    Firefox has an even better solution. It remembers your name and password so you don't have to type anything in. It works for everything except smugmugs new log in page.

    I run FF on a Thinkpad that has the IBM/Lenovo ThinkVantage Password Manager and the ThinkVantage Fingerprint Reader & associated software, all of them do pretty much the same thing - they apply stored usernames and passwords to the appropriate login pages, either by pre-filling the fields or by filling them after a fingerprint-swipe. They all play together nicely for the vast majority of sites where a login is requested.

    They ALL worked with SM's Legacy login page before I migrated, now NONE of them work with New SM's login page (the one that doesn't retain the login details even though the "Remember Me" box is ticked).

    If I try to log in the naughty way (with BugMeNot) it pops up an error-box saying "[JavaScript Application] Unable to locate login form!"

    Go figure.
    Yippee ki-yay, footer-muckers!
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