New gallery not showing in xxx /Galleries

James LyallJames Lyall Registered Users Posts: 202 Major grins
edited September 18, 2013 in SmugMug Customization
Have created a new gallery (Insects) and added images. It is clearly seen in 'Organiser' and inherits default theme etc.
The new gallery is not showing when accessed by xxx/Galleries
Previous new galleries have appeared immediately.
What am I missing? I shall be grateful for any help.


  • jwashburnjwashburn Registered Users Posts: 476 Major grins
    edited September 17, 2013
    Have created a new gallery (Insects) and added images. It is clearly seen in 'Organiser' and inherits default theme etc.
    The new gallery is not showing when accessed by xxx/Galleries
    Previous new galleries have appeared immediately.
    What am I missing? I shall be grateful for any help.

    I see it ok. I dont see any photos, but the gallery is there. Are the images set to private?
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,013 Major grins
    edited September 17, 2013
    I saw the photos earlier. Smugmug's having some problems at the moment, no photo load or very slow.

    Edit: Seven photos just showed.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • James LyallJames Lyall Registered Users Posts: 202 Major grins
    edited September 17, 2013
    Allen wrote: »
    I saw the photos earlier. Smugmug's having some problems at the moment, no photo load or very slow.

    Edit: Seven photos just showed.
    The seven photos showed as soon as I uploaded them.
    Going via or my menu finds the gallery perfectly.
    The problem is that the insect gallery does not show up on the gallery page:
    I have created a couple of test galleries with a few photos each. Those did not show on the gallery page either.
    (All images are set to public).
    Very odd! I suspect it is a SM fault.
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,013 Major grins
    edited September 17, 2013
    The seven photos showed as soon as I uploaded them.
    Going via or my menu finds the gallery perfectly.
    The problem is that the insect gallery does not show up on the gallery page:
    I have created a couple of test galleries with a few photos each. Those did not show on the gallery page either.
    (All images are set to public).
    Very odd! I suspect it is a SM fault.
    What did select as the source for that page? Assume you selected "folders | choose" or "galleries | choose".
    Perhaps you did not add the gallery.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • James LyallJames Lyall Registered Users Posts: 202 Major grins
    edited September 17, 2013
    Allen wrote: »
    What did select as the source for that page? Assume you selected "folders | choose" or "galleries | choose".
    Perhaps you did not add the gallery.
    Not quite certain of your meaning, Allen.
    I created the gallery within "Organize" and dragged the new gallery to my Wildlife folder.
    I then uploaded photos to the gallery.
    Normally, having created a new gallery, it shows up on the URL/Galleries page alongside pre-existing galleries.
    Does that make sense to you? Thanks for your help.
  • James LyallJames Lyall Registered Users Posts: 202 Major grins
    edited September 17, 2013
    The penny has finally dropped! rolleyes1.gif
    I was labouring under the misconception that the "Galleries" page was a system page similar to /popular & /recent.
    I had forgotten that "Galleries" was a page created by me which required manually to be populated with galleries.
    There seems to be a limit of 48 galleries per page and I had reached that limit.
    Very stupid of me. I apologise for taking up your time, Allen and Joey.
    One lives and learns!
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,013 Major grins
    edited September 17, 2013
    The penny has finally dropped! rolleyes1.gif
    I was labouring under the misconception that the "Galleries" page was a system page similar to /popular & /recent.
    I had forgotten that "Galleries" was a page created by me which required manually to be populated with galleries.
    There seems to be a limit of 48 galleries per page and I had reached that limit.
    Very stupid of me. I apologise for taking up your time, Allen and Joey.
    One lives and learns!
    Can you add two gallery boxes to the page? Each with up to 48.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • James LyallJames Lyall Registered Users Posts: 202 Major grins
    edited September 18, 2013
    Allen wrote: »
    Can you add two gallery boxes to the page? Each with up to 48.
    Seems to be the only logical answer until SM increases the number of galleries per box (which they indicate may happen).
    Thanks for your input Allen.
    P.S. Any thoughts about my question on this link?
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