[Implemented] CSS Flow Down

This is a huge problem for many not being able to flow down CSS changes. It requires changes to be
added separately for every sub-folder and every gallery. Example: different banners for a section like
family, wedding ...
If you look at the body classes of NewSmug and Legacy you'll notice how legacy flowed down so you
could use CSS to specify changes at any level and it would flow down. Look at the body classes for
NewSmug, no classes to allow flow down. A gallery or sub-folder has no idea what it's a child of.
added separately for every sub-folder and every gallery. Example: different banners for a section like
family, wedding ...
If you look at the body classes of NewSmug and Legacy you'll notice how legacy flowed down so you
could use CSS to specify changes at any level and it would flow down. Look at the body classes for
NewSmug, no classes to allow flow down. A gallery or sub-folder has no idea what it's a child of.
NewSmug top folder <body class="sm-user-pro sm-user-loggedin sm-user-owner sm-page sm-page-node [COLOR=Red]sm-page-node-Qm7v4[/COLOR]"> sub folder - top folder <body class="sm-user-pro sm-user-loggedin sm-user-owner sm-page sm-page-node [COLOR=Red]sm-page-node-hwXDg[/COLOR]"> gallery - in sub folder - top folder <body class="sm-user-pro sm-user-loggedin sm-user-owner sm-page [COLOR=Red][COLOR=White]sm-page-node[/COLOR] sm-page-node-DckpN[/COLOR] sm-page-gallery sm-page-gallery-album"> Legacy category <body class="tempClass category[COLOR=Red] category_Birds[/COLOR] loggedIn bodyColor_White smugmug-pro"> sub-cat in category <body class="tempClass category [COLOR=Red]category_Birds [/COLOR]subcategory [COLOR=Red]subcategory_Birding_2013_August[/COLOR] loggedIn bodyColor_White smugmug-pro"> gallery in sub-cat in category <body class="smugmug smugmug_ajax galleryPage [COLOR=Red]gallery_30889676[/COLOR] tempClass [COLOR=Red]category_Birds subcategory_Birding_2013_August[/COLOR] loggedIn bodyColor_White smugmug-pro">
This is only logical but I have yet to see a post where SM even acknowledges that this is something that we had before & don't have now or that they are even concerned about fixing it!
And it would be great if the flow-downs only occurred with items that have been overridden for that folder.
i.e., if I change something in the menu or banner, for a folder, and all it's sub-folders, pages and galleries, then I only want to change the banner. The rest of the page items (styles, backgrounds, themes, etc. should still inherit from the whole site, so that if I want to change all that, I can do so without having to go find all individually customised galleries. But the individual customisation items should remain...
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child so flow down can be addressed with CSS." Not having this available, it's getting very obvious
that Smugmug does not care about us fully customizing our sites and forcing us to use their boiler
plate. In the past when we needed classes added to pages they quickly accommodated.
The most common usage for this is different banners/logos on areas of the site like family, weddings, etc.
I've helped 1000's of folks applying this in the past eight years.
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Hi Allen,
This is in the product team's hands, but I do not have an update. I will keep you updated when I have any information.
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+1 Me too
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Cheers - N
http://www.nzsnaps.com (talkiet.smugmug.com)
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Cheers - N
http://www.nzsnaps.com (talkiet.smugmug.com)
http://www.nzsnaps.com (talkiet.smugmug.com)
Example, changing the logo for individual galleries and folders to flow down.
I have 91 sub-folders and 890 galleries in this top folder.
The only way now to change the logo is one by one or add CSS like this.
Here's 17 done with only a lot lot lot more to go.
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Agreed, this has been one of the most frustrating things in rebuilding my site the way I would like it to look.
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commercial and architectural imagery
I'd be great if gallery keywords were tagged in the body classes so I could use them for CSS rules.
I have 911 galleries under one category and you're forcing me to write an individual CSS rule for every one
of those galleries. Post #17 above was a start for the CSS.
How much text will a CSS box hold? Will I hit a limit like the old legacy boxes did?
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I've rarely come across this but this really should be fixed. In some cases, it can make coding changes very difficult.
Mel Jones Photography Ltd.
School and Nursery Photographer working in Blackpool and Lancashire, UK.
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Example of CSS in work changing banner on one section of my site approx a thousand pages. This CSS block below will add new banners. I have an identical CSS block for removal of site wide banner. Exact same code except for widget number change 5027770 > 5028039.
All this would not be needed if the classes flowed down to children.
Crap, it won't even show in this forum and I'm only partially done. Had to delete much of it.
The text that you have entered is too long (53463 characters). Please shorten it to 20000 characters long.
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in a category. The same thing could be accomplished with less then 200 characters in CSS if
we had flow down.
Just got latest exact count. (Dgrin error message in reply)
The text that you have entered is too long (126987 characters). Please shorten it to 20000 characters long.
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