2 hours of work - gone
I did a good deal of customization of my legacy site. Not ready to publish yet, so on exiting I clicked very distinctly and carefully on "Save Changes for Later" Upon going back, I don't see any of the work I did. Different theme, different everything. Right where I had started.
Has anyone else had this amazingly frustrating experience? Anyone know why? Thanks.
Has anyone else had this amazingly frustrating experience? Anyone know why? Thanks.
Entire Site/Theme/Available Themes/
then scroll to the bottom, to My Themes
Click the + sign, and there should be the saved theme.
You had to assign a name, I think, or, perhaps it assigned a default name for you.
The other problem being, the only way to test it is to Unveil New SmugMug and I'm not ready to do that yet.
It took me awhile to figure this out and actually I'm not completely sure I'm working/editing/modifying in the most efficient way. Maybe someone else will offer alternatives.