How to make slideshow fit the width of browser?
Maybe I missed something basic. I have a slideshow on my homepage. I see options you can adjust the height or make it content aware height. That's cool but how do I make it fill the width of the browser?
X3 is the maximum size, so if your browser window is wider than 1600px, or short enough to prevent the image from proportionately scaling that large, it won't touch the edges.
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Thanks, Nick.
I guess I've got a monitor way too big...:D nobody should complain about a big monitor!
I have four page thumbnails below the slideshow. The last one will get pushed to next line when I shrink the browser window. How can I make them only change sizes but always stay in one line?
I think you can only make that sort of adjustment on the Grid display style (by adding CSS), not the collage landscape setting you're currently using. If you do change to Grid, I think this CSS will do the trick:
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!