Keywords display different when logged in and out.
If I'm logged in I see a different selection of keywords than my visitors see. And they see silly things, like partial file numbers and letters. Things that I don't really want them to have to deal with.
Do we have control over the keywords that are displayed? And the number of keywords? Where and how do we access this?
Do we have control over the keywords that are displayed? And the number of keywords? Where and how do we access this?
There are lots of ways to control what keywords are displayed, but you'll probably need to be more specific about what you need or want. Also, are you on Legacy or New SmugMug? Do you have all of your galleries public, or are some set to Private or Unlisted or whatever? The number of keywords that display in several settings are limited by various things, depending what you're talking about. There are keywords that display under photos (or not), and keyword pages, and keyword search results. All of these have different limits. On New SmugMug, there still is not a /keyword page that displays ALL of your keywords, like there is on Legacy.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
As far as partial file numbers and letters, it sounds like you have the keyword from file name feature turned on. I'd recommend you turn that off unless you rename your files to have meaningful names before you upload the photos. You'll find the setting on the Search tab within Discovery on your account settings.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I started by copying the "logged in" legacy keyword page, it also shows every keyword from passworded
and unlisted galleries. Used Excel to add the to each. Put this in an html box.
I then converted that to passworded "smart" gallery links which will draw from password galleries.
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