Frequently Requested Simple Modifications

Since the beginning of August 2013 I have been maintaining a list of Frequently Used / Requested CSS customizations in a stickied thread in this forum ( Unfortunately due to dgrin maximum character rules I can no longer add customizations to the thread. Instead, I have transitioned my SmugMug CSS customizations to a section on my website.
Please visit my website for the CSS code to the Frequently Used / Requested CSS customizations:
I have taken all of the customizations from the thread, as well as some customizations that I use on my own site, as well as some contributions from other dgrin forum members, and put them in 1 easy to find place.
The benefits of finding the code on my website include:
The following customizations may be found on the site (I will update the list here as I add customizations):
Sitewide Customizations:
Gallery Customizations:
Lightbox Customizations
Navbar Customizations
The initial release, at this time, includes 45 CSS customizations. I plan on adding additional CSS tweaks that I use on my own website, as well as a number of CSS customizations that you have asked about here on the forums. As I find the time I will go through all my posts and pull out all the CSS tweaks that I've typed in various forums and try to post them on my Customizations Website.
Again, the full list of customizations can be found at
Feel free to post CSS customization requests in this thread. I won't guarantee that I will be able to respond or answer your question but if I have the free time I will give it a try. Remember, I do this on my free time (I'm not paid by SmugMug to help out ... I just do it because I'm a nice guy!)
Please visit my website for the CSS code to the Frequently Used / Requested CSS customizations:
I have taken all of the customizations from the thread, as well as some customizations that I use on my own site, as well as some contributions from other dgrin forum members, and put them in 1 easy to find place.
The benefits of finding the code on my website include:
- Ability to see screenshots of what the code does
- Ability to add additional information on how to use the code
- Ability to see the code in action on my website
- I can continuously add customizations without being limited by dgrin character maximums
The following customizations may be found on the site (I will update the list here as I add customizations):
Sitewide Customizations:
- Modify "Load More" Button
- Remove the Breadcrumb
- Make Thumbnails Transparent on Hover
- Change the Button Background Colors
- Change Social Icon Hover Color
- Change the Contact Form "The Question" Text
- Use Additional Google Fonts
- Create a Fullscreen Slideshow
- Change Features for Mobile or Tablet Browsers
- Remove the "Powered by SmugMug" Footer
- Change the Breadcrumb Text Color
- Add a Line Under the Breadcrumb
- Make Anything Clickable Have Its Color Fade In/Out
- Add a Drop Shadow to Images on Hover
- Make Slideshow Captions Fill the Height
Gallery Customizations:
- Remove the Comments Section
- Remove the Keywords Section
- Remove the Thumbnail Arrows
- Remove the Thumbnail Pagination
- Change Photo Title and Caption Fonts
- Force Captions to Have Line Breaks
- Remove Image Pagination
- Properly Center the Image Pagination
- Change Caption Link and Hover Color
- Add Labels to the Icons
- Add a Border Around Thumbnails and Gallery Image
- Add "Click to Enlarge" to Thumbnails
- Wrap Titles on Thumbnails
- Reduce Thumbnail Margin (SmugMug Layout)
- Widen Caption / Comments Area (SmugMug Layout)
- Change the Right Click Protection Text
- Change the "Add to Cart" Button Text
- Remove the Buy Button
- Remove the Slideshow Button
- Change Gallery Description Font
- Customize the Lightbox
- Change the Shopping Cart Back Button Text
Lightbox Customizations
- Change the Add to Cart Button Text
- Remove Add to Cart Button
- Customize the "Add to Cart" Button
- Remove Fullscreen Button
- Always Show Lightbox Captions
- Change Photo Title and Caption Fonts
- Add the Words "Full Screen" to Lightbox
- Make Lightbox Caption Wider
- Add The word "Close" to the Lightbox
Navbar Customizations
- Change Navbar Hover Color
- Emphasize the Active Page
- Add a Line or Border to Your Navbar
- Display Different Navbar Based on Screensize
- Change Submenu Colors
The initial release, at this time, includes 45 CSS customizations. I plan on adding additional CSS tweaks that I use on my own website, as well as a number of CSS customizations that you have asked about here on the forums. As I find the time I will go through all my posts and pull out all the CSS tweaks that I've typed in various forums and try to post them on my Customizations Website.
Again, the full list of customizations can be found at
Feel free to post CSS customization requests in this thread. I won't guarantee that I will be able to respond or answer your question but if I have the free time I will give it a try. Remember, I do this on my free time (I'm not paid by SmugMug to help out ... I just do it because I'm a nice guy!)
dGrin Afficionado
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
2013-12-29 1:40pm: Moved the following 4 customizations from "Other Customizations" to their own pages, complete with screenshots and additional instructions: SM Layout: Swap the Image and Thumbnails, Change the Font of the Menu (Top Level), Hide the Weird Icon Underneath Gallery Names, Center the Text of the Gallery Names (Folder View)
Major Update:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
You're great,
My Website index | My Blog
and here's the link:
From the sticky you can go to his site but if you see some other customization on his site the discussion would be handy.
My Website index | My Blog
That's a really good suggestion. If it came from a discussion I'll try to link back to the dgrin forums here. I'll definitely do it going forward. It may be a bit time consuming to do it to the ones I've already posted but if I have some spare time I'll work on that too.
I just got back from a couple photo trips and I have something like 800 photos I'm trying to go through, so my time is focused on the photo editing and not on CSS customizations
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
The second part (the code that hides the original text) is affecting the Gallery Settings box, it's hiding the word "Sigma". I've yet to check if there are similar unwanted effects anywhere else.
Please let me know if there's a workaround.
Ack, I see why. Simple fix actually ... in the 2nd set of code where it says "Hack to hide the question" just add ".sm-contact-pro-form" before the ".sm-form-contents"
I've updated my page with the code ( but here it is for reference:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Sorted - many thanks for your prompt reply
FWIW, I'm using visibility:hidden instead of color: #242528; and padding-left: 290px; - can you see any downside with me using that?
Nope. I got the code from someone else but was wondering the same thing. If "visibility: hidden;" works, I think that's a better option.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Thanks for the professional opinion
2013-10-15 11:11am: Added "Customize the Lightbox"
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
This is a compiled list of all the code I plan to add to my customizations site but haven't gotten around to. It provides the basic code but doesn't have any screenshots or additional information. You'll have to figure out how to implement it on your own but the code is there for your pickings. As I have time I'll integrate those bits of code into my main customizations page.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
It is a fabulous thing you are doing ... very much appreciated.
Thanks for the quick reply
I am having trouble getting this to work (Drop Shadow around thumbnails) I am using Smugmug layout
I think I have all the code in the correct place. Take a look
It was a bit trickier in SmugMug Layout:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Where should I put this code I tried just the Galleries and I tried the whole site CSS and no luck
I developed the code on your site and tested it so I know it should work.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Thanks it works
Now I have to get the client log in to work
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Wondering if you could advise how to always show the nav arrows in ligthbox. I have been having issues with clients reviewing their photos in lightbox mode and the arrows keep disappearing (as per design) but it makes the experience rather horrid when having to keep tapping on the image for the nav arrows to appear.
Could this be done only for mobile devices? If not, globally would be great.
Thanks again.