Table HTML code not working in HTML block

My gorgeous HTML in dreamweaver is not working in the SM HTML block. (Yes, I am careful to copy/paste only specific sections from inside Body. In Legacy I never had a problem with this method.)
I see on this thread a recommendation to use mostly CSS for a table in an HTML block.
However I'm way less familiar with CSS than I am with HTML.
Yet, this code doesn't work in the HTML block. The text shows as plain wrapped text, no table format.
Should it work?
This is what it reverts to after publishing:
<span style="font-size: 16pt;">Blah blah blah</span>
I see on this thread a recommendation to use mostly CSS for a table in an HTML block.
However I'm way less familiar with CSS than I am with HTML.
Yet, this code doesn't work in the HTML block. The text shows as plain wrapped text, no table format.
Should it work?
<table width="700" border="2">
<td><span style="font-size: 16pt;">Blah blah blah</span></td>
This is what it reverts to after publishing:
<span style="font-size: 16pt;">Blah blah blah</span>
CSS is used to style HTML, they work together. Do you have a link to your site?
I am not unveiled yet - and thank you for responding so quickly.
I guess I'm struggling with, if I'm using valid HTML code why isn't the SM HTML block accepting it.
I'm trying to minimize CSS because I'm so unfamiliar with it.
EDIT: And I chose an HTML 5 template in Dreamweaver, hoping this would keep me most up to date.
You are already kinda familiar with it, you just might not know it. If you look at the top of your Dreamweaver page, there is a section in the header that looks like this <style> </style>
There is some code that SMUG doesn't take. Post your code and lets take a look.
Joey I can barely see this page through tears.
Maybe for the moment I should stop trying to get a table in place and try to fix something that is broken.
SM HTML is stripping my <p> sections and substituting . I can't achieve paragraphs.
Try using <br />
Post some of your code here that you are trying to get working and we can help you with it, either with CSS, or just the HTML
<p> is perfect - or would be if the HTML block worked correctly and separated them.
You asked me to post my code but I don't know what code you mean. At the moment if I could just separate paragraphs, I would leave as much as possible as plain paragraphs, and come back to tables later.
This is the totality of my code, paragraphs and one attempt at a table that has the span code you referenced.
Many thanks for looking at this.
Hmm, its not stripping that stuff out for me.
Are you copying and pasting from the Code tab in Dreamweaver, or the Design tab? That could make a difference
Is there CSS or something else I should do to separate paragraphs further?
or < /br> and when you are ready to tackle some CSS stuff we can help with that.
would do... the problem at the moment is that I need all HTML (unless specified separately) to be 16pt, and right now it's tiny enough to require a microscope. I did set the font for the table, gotta figure out the other parts.
The code I added was:
around the totality of all material.
(And left the same code in place for the table.)
Could you possibly give me the code, CSS or HTML, to control the basic font size for all HTML text (unless I specify otherwise, for example in a table).
including creating the CSS for the html block.
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However as you can see the HTML is quite broken in legacy.
And - as I have many pages to fix, if it's possible to list the steps to take, perhaps I should learn them.
and I have no idea how you had it formated. You didn't by perhaps have a text file saved with the full code, html/text did you?
Did you have those thumb images embedded in with the text above?
BTW, for every html page/gallery description I have, I save the html in a text file and edit there. Then
copy and paste the new version back in. I've been doing the same with NewSmug for html boxes.
Also noticed:
Looks like you have used a lot of iframes on pages and iframes are currently not allowed in NewSmug.
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Yes, I have an older version of this page as txt. I did what you do, edit in notepad, save as txt.
How do you want me to give it to you, copy as code here?
Yes, I'm aware of the iframes issue. Currently working on an alternative.
For this page, there is a youtube video embedded. I take it SM html does not permit this? So in new SM on the page I'm editing, I've put the header as an html page, then added a youtube block, then another html page to pick up after the youtube video.
If you click the # icon in the bar above in the reply box it will add those into the box. Then paste in
between them.
paste between these
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Please can someone tell me:
- how do I make the main body font 16pt for all HTML (except where I specify otherwise). You can see the bottom para on this combo image, I need to fix that font size. Since I have several html blocks (as I intersperse them between embedded videos, etc.), I'm hoping one code on the CSS will work?
tell me what's wrong with this list code, it is in its own HTML block on my new page with no other code to somehow disrupt it. I've tested it on the CSS site and it works perfectly, but in new SM, it's failing. I drew a red arrow on the image showing how this code shows on the screen.
youtube link.
Just noticed you might have added another video in your last post. Not in this yet.
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Edit: can't attach text file to email here. Click my site in my sig and use the contact link in my
footer to send me your email. Edit: posted code below in parts.
Then we can go over what needs to be done. Basically it's put on a page not a gallery. [strike]I also need to
figure out that last video in your screen shot a couple posts ago. Need html and video boxes next to
each other. So have to split off the top text part for the new html box left of the video and
reorganize some of it.[/strike]
Edit: not applicable for this page.
The rest of the page are html boxes with two video boxes separating them.
These are the order of the boxes on the page.
html video[/strike]
BTW, about all I did to your html was remove the tables and added some div's.
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I just realized that that other video was on another page.
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Click triangle and set top and bottom margins to zero and width to 960. CSS tab
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Insert the youTube link for each and set to Small and "center video".
In Layout tab of content
Layout - Fixed
Width - 960
Centered - ON
Put this in the "Just this page" CSS. The red numbers for the boxes were generated for
my site. We will have to change those to different numbers when the boxes are generated
on your site. They will be in you page source. Or you can inspect element for them if you
use any web tools like WebDev.
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Click triangle and set top margin to zero and width to 960. CSS tab of this html box
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