Horizontal block of color... Can it be done?

I'd like to create a hoizontal band/block of color, where I can place text. For the life of me I can't figure out how to do it. Any ideas? I don't want to use a photo for this, and I'd like it to span the entire width of the screen, no matter the width.
Here's an example of what I want to do. http://vsco.co/film
When you go to that site, scroll down a little bit and you will see an olive green bar with text. That's what I'd like to do on my home page.
Is that possible?
Here's an example of what I want to do. http://vsco.co/film
When you go to that site, scroll down a little bit and you will see an olive green bar with text. That's what I'd like to do on my home page.
Is that possible?
homepage make sure you highlight "homepage" on right.
My Website index | My Blog
Check it out: http://photos.fernandogonzalez.net/
So I just went in and added some html and it sort of accomplished what I want. However same thing with the margins... when set to zero and container width of 100%, its still not going out to the edge.
Any other ideas?
On the HTML block, top highlighted bar, you can click the wrench to edit settings and content, or a little triangle that is margins. Try changing left and right to zero, or even a negative number to go further left and right.
Would you post your code for the html color that you set in place? Clever idea. I had guessed you would input a <div> of some sort with a background color?
Read my 1st reply. I did set the margins to zero for both the text block and the html block, however I never thought to set them to a negative number, so I tried that as well. It made no difference. <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/ne_nau.gif" border="0" alt="" >
Here's my html block code:
[HTML]<table width="100%" border="0" class="ctr">
<td style="background-color: #CC9900;">HTML</td>
And the CSS:
As you can see I'm somewhat in the dark myself, but have you tried, in site customize mode, on the right, Layout tab, removing any side margins? see you can set margins separately in the homepage, or in all folders, all galleries, or just one gallery.
EDIT: All fixed now.
HEY, your color bar is now fixed!
Not quite. I want it to go to the very edge of the screen. There's still a gap on the left and right.
Oh, boo to you.
I thought you wanted the color to reach to the same place as the two grey lines above and below it. Those stop before the edge as well.
Okay, my site has a bar under the top nav and it also stops just short on the left and right.
Try this: go to edit entire site. Do you have a top navbar? Something at the top? If so click to edit the margins there, and make the L and R, zero.
Tried what you said and got my 1 stroke dividers to the edge of the screen. Yay! Thanks.
Now all I need to do is figure out how to do the body portion. It is set to strechy and 0 margins on the side. Hmmm.
Got it.
Apparently the in the Layout settings, you can put a negative value, but in the actual element on the page, you can't. Go figure. So I did a -20 on the margins and now it fills the space. Nice!
Thanks for your help ChancyRat!