black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited November 7, 2013
Got yourself a winner here, Eric. I can see this one getting great reviews at a showing of modern art. I'm torn, though, about the inclusion of the small, dark triangle on the extreme right. In one sense, I see that spot adding tension and drama....perhaps even a sense of uncertainty. On my monitor, I cropped out that spot and the overall scene assumed a more " peaceful " overture. Very's amazing how little changes can affect perceptions.
I've always thought that, in dealing with subjects like this, a good picture will solicit a wide range of interpretations and reactions. This one sure does that. Bravo.
Take care,
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Got yourself a winner here, Eric. I can see this one getting great reviews at a showing of modern art. I'm torn, though, about the inclusion of the small, dark triangle on the extreme right. In one sense, I see that spot adding tension and drama....perhaps even a sense of uncertainty. On my monitor, I cropped out that spot and the overall scene assumed a more " peaceful " overture. Very's amazing how little changes can affect perceptions.
I've always thought that, in dealing with subjects like this, a good picture will solicit a wide range of interpretations and reactions. This one sure does that. Bravo.
Take care,
I saw the triangle too and it didn't bother me, I thought it added an additional layer of geometry. Now that Tom brought it up, I can see his point and think he is right. Great image nonetheless!
.....I cropped out that spot and the overall scene assumed a more " peaceful " overture. Very's amazing how little changes can affect perceptions.
Take care,
......I thought it added an additional layer of geometry. Now that Tom brought it up, I can see his point and think he is right.
Hey Guys!
Thanks for taking a critical look at this one - I really appreciate your comments and feedback!
So, I've used my on-screen cropping tool (an envelope ) many, many, times taking a look at your suggestion, and I have to agree with y'all - most of the time...
Tom is right - it is interesting how perceptions change, but, I keep going back and forth 'cause I originally left it in for the very reason Cristóbal mentioned - geometry.
The object in the image is an abstract metal sculpture on street display in downtown La Jolla, CA and I wish I could credit the artist, but, I did not note that fact...
I think it's important to mention because my image is just an interpretation of the artist's original work.
Search Google Maps (street view) - 1020 Prospect St., San Diego, CA to see the original in situ.
Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad to know it pleases your expert eye Randy.
As for Tom, perhaps you can consider that agreement as his Christmas present...
Eric, I really like this one a lot! The conversion is very, very well done. In person, I imagine the red sculpture is very striking but I have a hard time envisioning how a color image could be better than this one. But that triangle does bother me--and I don't mind in the least agreeing with Tom or Randy!
Excellent work.
"But ask the animals, and they will teach you." (Job 12:7)
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I've always thought that, in dealing with subjects like this, a good picture will solicit a wide range of interpretations and reactions. This one sure does that. Bravo.
Take care,
I saw the triangle too and it didn't bother me, I thought it added an additional layer of geometry. Now that Tom brought it up, I can see his point and think he is right. Great image nonetheless!
Hey Guys!
Thanks for taking a critical look at this one - I really appreciate your comments and feedback!
So, I've used my on-screen cropping tool (an envelope
Tom is right - it is interesting how perceptions change, but, I keep going back and forth 'cause I originally left it in for the very reason Cristóbal mentioned - geometry.
The object in the image is an abstract metal sculpture on street display in downtown La Jolla, CA and I wish I could credit the artist, but, I did not note that fact...
I think it's important to mention because my image is just an interpretation of the artist's original work.
Search Google Maps (street view) - 1020 Prospect St., San Diego, CA to see the original in situ.
מתנה מקורית
Nice to see you online too... hope you'll be posting some new stuff!
Hi kobistar
Please see my last post for a description of the object and how to see it if interested.
But, as much as I hate to, I agree with Tom
Thanks much for the comment mayfly - it seems well suited to B&W... the object was too red when processed in color.
Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad to know it pleases your expert eye Randy.
As for Tom, perhaps you can consider that agreement as his Christmas present...
Excellent work.
Lauren Blackwell
Oh... now you folks are just ganging-up on me
I have looked at that triangle a bunch and now I am on your side... but only 52 to 48 percent
Thanks so much for you comments and support Lauren - very appreciated.
Have a safe and warm Christmas!
Lauren Blackwell