trouble moving content blocks
I am trying to do something relatively simple: one large single photo, 900 px container width, then have folders/pages below the large picture. I cannot accomplish this. Been trying for hours, and can't find any info on this that works. The "green highlighted areas" that come up when trying to move the folders/pages does not come up under the large photo. Directly below the large photo is the red "on entire site" box. I just cannot believe that this is so difficult. Not impressed. Thanks for any help anyone can give!!
My Website index | My Blog
as it has been reported some browsers have trouble with this.
My Website index | My Blog
Ok, I'll try that, though I'm using Explorer right now. As for the sweet spot, I am slowing moving over the whole area and nothing is coming up where I want it i.e. under the large picture. Thanks again.
wew... now I'm tired after writing that long sentence.
They are to the left, right, above and below other content blocks. They show as horizontal or vertical pale green bars.
You could start with Entire Site and drag a NavBar to the top.
Then switch to the HomePage and drag a photo block onto the main section. Then the dropable areas may be more clear. Drag a text block, you can place it on any of the four sides of the photo, or below the NavBar.
You can place 3 photos side by side in a row, for example.
The wrench on the top left corner of each block gives you settings options.
The triangle is margins and proportion of the container. So one photo could take 20% of a row, the 2nd take 50%, and a text box take 30%.