Disabling "home" page?
Looking for ideas to disable the "home" page in some form, so it does not show up in search engines? I am making a wordpress website for my home and blog, etc, and want to use smug simply for my portfolio. Obvious would be not having links in the menu, but google will still index the (dumb) smug "home"...
Todd - My Photos
See help page at http://help.smugmug.com/customer/portal/articles/93329.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I want to disable "home", and just use "folders" and "galleries" pages. Although I could not get anything like the css example to work on the new smugmug. Is it because I am trying this in preview mode, or is the problem much deeper then this? Even if css did work, would the page just show up as a blank page?
Edit - looks like no way around this, so I will have to make the home page a "enter" landing page or something? Ugh
Edit 2 - Never mind, I just moved everything over to the home page. Now I just have a unneeded "browse page"... smugmug needs to add a way to disable default pages