Spent a couple of fantastic weeks on a dental working trip to the Atlas Mountains.

We lost the game of chicken on these narrow roads. Everytime!
But the people are very nice.

Heading into the first town we stayed.

I began to get the feeling people there did not like their picture been taken; (I know better now)

We set up the portable dental chair in this handicap association and had the handicap villagers come down from their villages in the hills for free dental work.

It was such a blessing to work with these people. More rewarding than anything I've ever done.
One of the workers there, had spoke with the locals about doing family portraits, so I had the opportunity to shoot dozens of families that would otherwise turn away from the camera. Prints are on their way, and will be sent back to them soon. Out of respect and my word, I told them they would not be shared. (there was a few in another village that didn't care but we'll see)
After 3 days and pulling probably 300+ teeth, we headed up the Atlas mountains and over them to Ouarazate.

Our little Renault diesel minivan was awesome!

Several berber villages throughout this valley, hidden in the natural colors of the earth.

Suppose thats good for now.

We lost the game of chicken on these narrow roads. Everytime!
But the people are very nice.

Heading into the first town we stayed.

I began to get the feeling people there did not like their picture been taken; (I know better now)

We set up the portable dental chair in this handicap association and had the handicap villagers come down from their villages in the hills for free dental work.

It was such a blessing to work with these people. More rewarding than anything I've ever done.
One of the workers there, had spoke with the locals about doing family portraits, so I had the opportunity to shoot dozens of families that would otherwise turn away from the camera. Prints are on their way, and will be sent back to them soon. Out of respect and my word, I told them they would not be shared. (there was a few in another village that didn't care but we'll see)
After 3 days and pulling probably 300+ teeth, we headed up the Atlas mountains and over them to Ouarazate.

Our little Renault diesel minivan was awesome!

Several berber villages throughout this valley, hidden in the natural colors of the earth.

Suppose thats good for now.
I'm currently applying for dental schools, but the general consensus is that despite the good intentions, these "dental mission trips" are the worst there is... unlicensed volunteers performing extractions and such.
Sorry about the off-topic /rant.
The valley shot looks great!
16/2.8, f1.4G primes, f2.8 trio, 105/200 macro, SB900.
It never gets easier, you just get better.
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16/2.8, f1.4G primes, f2.8 trio, 105/200 macro, SB900.
It never gets easier, you just get better.
Good work!
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Here are the rest. Morocco
It's funny how with our own huge and fairly recent history of civil rights and racial equality, Americans still hold on to societal perceptions or expectations of other places and people we really know nothing about. Travel in China, living in Muslim communities, and other countries being "dangerous", are a few I've experienced where the expectations of people I know and even sometimes myself were totally wrong. I think everyone ought to travel in their youth as a part of their education, to realize that everywhere around the world, with all our differences and peculiarities, we all really are pretty much the same. I value these experiences far more than my formal schooling.