Maverics and LR help

I installed the new mac OS Maverics 10.9. I seem to have resolved a
few hair pulling issues, but have one very important one left.
I am using LR 4.4 and after the Maverics install the develop module
sliders are all white. I need the color back!!
IE: All the color sliders within the individual color adjustments are now white
rather than show the appropriate color for each slider.
Any Ideas?
few hair pulling issues, but have one very important one left.
I am using LR 4.4 and after the Maverics install the develop module
sliders are all white. I need the color back!!
IE: All the color sliders within the individual color adjustments are now white
rather than show the appropriate color for each slider.
Any Ideas?
I'd just buy LR5, it's totally worth it. It's available for $79 right now.
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At least do the trial download of LR5.3 and see if that does the trick.
So many good things in 5.x.
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook .
I have purchased and installed LR5 and this did solve the colored slider issue. At first glance it doesn't look any different than LR4 but once I get into it a little further I am sure the new features will show themselves.
Now I have two (identified) remaining issues.
First is the new Activity Monitor. I ether have a corrupted version or this is a big piece of doggy doo.
Is this what it is supposed to look like? All the graphics, pie chart etc are gone, and I can't chose between disks. :cry
The last issue in my Wifi. It has left the building. I remember the last time this happened I need to take one very unintuitive step in order to recreate my network.
I have a 2009 Mac Pro with an internal Wifi / air / thingy.
Does anyone know about this secret step??
After 2+ hours on the phone with Apple I have my Wifi back!!!!!
PS: Don't ask
It got half way through and stopped with a fail notice????
I am now using finder to copy and paste all the photo files on an additional external backup drive.
Color me nervous!!!! I have always been comfortable knowing I had 4 copies of all image files.
My RAID 0 disks seem good, no issues, but I really need at least one solid backup!!!!
My computer says this is a 6 hour task. Good think I have my Wifi back.
Sam, I am running SuperDuper, latest version, with no issues under 10.9.
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook .
I have no clue. Maybe I am being punished for something I did?
Once I have my images backed up I will delete all versions of SuperDuper and download a fresh install.
My Spectra View calibration software also wouldn't work, but after re-downloading it's back to normal.
My new ( less than 2 weeks old ) MBP with Mavericks, locked itself into a demand for passwords that I never configured for Keychain. I didn't want them nor need them. But Mavericks was convinced I had and did, and demanded them, and refused to allow me to use my MBP until I provided what I had never set up. Arghhh!
I spent two hours yesterday with Apple support, getting it sorted out.
I got the definite impression that I was not alone in this issue, so maybe it is not really ready for prime time yet. We will see….
Good luck, Sam and others.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Unfortunately I went down the rabbit hole and no matter how dark or scary I don't think I have any choice but to make this home.:cry