Deal: Sigma 35 1.4 at Amazon

Not sure where to post this since the "Deal" section of the Flea Market has vanished (mods please move as/if appropriate).
Sigma 35 1.4 dropped $100 overnight on Amazon - yesterday it was $899 (the price I've been seeing for a couple of weeks) and today it was $799. Presumably Adorama and B&H will follow suit. NOt sure if that's a permanent drop or a flash sale, but just spreading the word in case anybody else has been considering this lens..........
Sigma 35 1.4 dropped $100 overnight on Amazon - yesterday it was $899 (the price I've been seeing for a couple of weeks) and today it was $799. Presumably Adorama and B&H will follow suit. NOt sure if that's a permanent drop or a flash sale, but just spreading the word in case anybody else has been considering this lens..........
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Thanks for the heads up about this lens.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
16/2.8, f1.4G primes, f2.8 trio, 105/200 macro, SB900.
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