html not working in Gallery Description
I have put this html into My Gallery Description but it does not work - however if I put it in an Image Caption then it does - how come
html><a href="">Score Sheets</a></html>
html><a href="">Score Sheets</a></html>
Oh, just a thought... I don't thing you need the html tags any longer....
This is working in my gallery descriptions currently...
<p><a href="" target="_new">MotorcycleMayhemFlyer</a></p>
Note add the: target="_new" and it will open the link in a new window
At least in the past. Looking now and testing I see it now completely borks my legacy description.
WARNING: If you have not unveiled do not do any gallery description editing in NewSmug. Switch to
legacy and do it there. Luckily I have two galleries with the almost identical html description so I can
recover but it will take a few hours.
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I also use HTML in photo captions.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
looked fine in NewSmug until I went in and add something like xx in the text and saved. Then the
whole thing blew up. In my case I was using tables in legacy which looked fine in NewSmug but not after
entering edit. Striped it all out.
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I think one is not supposed to use html in new SM gallery descriptions.
Because I see much broken HTML in legacy galleries currently, I've assumed I need to reproduce my html in html blocks in new SM.
Maybe small things like links work but I don't understand that either.
Does SM have a posted page on what format or rules apply to gallery descriptions in new SM?
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But - the HTML must be correct now where legacy smug let some incorrect syntax through.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Hi Denise,
Could you please give me an example of a working peice of HTML in a caption?
My legacy captions contained this type of comment below, but will not work in the new Smugmug?
<object width="300" height="42"><param name="src" value=""><param name="autoplay" value="false"><param name="controller" value="true"><param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF"><embed height="42" width="300" src="" bgcolor="#9FB6CD" controller="true" loop="false" autostart="false"></object>
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Thanks for the super quick response Lamah,
Before I go and test out a different way how about the <audio> tag in Html5?
... and if this is not supported either, can you please suggest a different approach to playing a sound from a caption/picture?
If you want <audio> tags to be supported, I would suggest posting a request to the feature request forum too.
It is currently impossible to play sound from captions or pictures.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
It's about the gallery.
Interestingly, the gallery descriptions of all the other (unchanged) migrated galleries still show colored texts...<img src="" border="0" alt="" >
Something is wrong here. It seems the gallery description, after editing, still does not save all HTML codes...<img src="" border="0" alt="" >cry
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Hi Luc.
It's a long-shot, but you might find that it's dependent on the gallery type - I've found that some HTML in captions that works in Lightbox, SmugMug-style and Journal, won't work in Collage Landscape, Collage Portrait and Thumbnail. See for an example of how italics are treated.
Helpdesk were going to escalate this problem to the technical department but I've no idea if they actually did - I've had no feedback regarding this matter.
I've also asked to see the HTML whitelist for content blocks - see - maybe that'll help us to find out why some of our HTML doesn't stick there and in other places?
Thanks Allen for the suggestion but it did not work.
Thanks so much, I'll take a closer look at this.