[FIXED] Keyword gallery missing where photo comes from

I find it a necessity to have in a keyword gallery the "photo-by" shown. Otherwise there is no
way to get to the gallery where the original photo resides.
Did someone not familiar with the legacy site design this? There are just way too many of these
incidences happening missing stuff that was common in legacy.
way to get to the gallery where the original photo resides.
Did someone not familiar with the legacy site design this? There are just way too many of these
incidences happening missing stuff that was common in legacy.
What's weird is on the /keyword page clicking the keyword NO photos are found. But drawing
the same keyword in a smart gallery, all the photos are found. BTW, this is my keyword on
every video.
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Odd, I would swear that this worked before, because I checked it. Legacy would show some text in a keyword gallery something like "see photo in Original Gallery." New Smug would just have a link to the original gallery with the gallery name...like "Wyoming 2012". But that seems to have disappeared.
Yeah just checked this in a couple of my keyword Galleries - no way to get from there to the original photo in it's original album like you could in Legacy.
missing some of this especially the "from gallery" below the caption. I can't even get to this keyword
because all keywords with single quotes (http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=239449) do not
work. The cart and slideshow are only available in lightbox. BTW, my banner was made from these
photos and if Smug would add flow down CSS I could apply it to my Birds category.
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I'll file a bug report about the 'photo-by' missing.
There is a bug reporting section you can post in, check it out here - http://www.dgrin.com/forumdisplay.php?f=54
Another important feature missing!
And again...I think it went missing recently. I know it was there before. I don't have any smart galleries but had noticed before that my keyword galleries had a "found in xxx (gallery name)" link on them. That's disappeared now, but I know it was there not long ago.
Rich said he'd file a bug report -- shouldn't this be on the active bug list?
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When will the bugs on this active big bug list get fixed?
It depends on prioritization.
Photo Blog
I'm sure prioritization will be done in tackling the long list of bug fixes and feature returns needed but this question requires an answer with a unit of time such as a day, a week, a month.
Two months have gone by already and very few problems have been dealt with and the list seems to be growing which implies they will never be fixed unless more resources are applied to the problem.
Evasive answers do not help customer confidence.
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And they need to up the maximum number of pictures in a keyword smart gallery from 1000 to 5000 like they did for a keyword search.
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The "From" link does appear when you hit save in the photo details tool (whether or not you make any changes). Hit refresh and it's gone.
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Are we ever going get back the link that said "view photo in original gallery" when using a keyword gallery.
I'm (patiently) waiting to completely reorganize my plant photo collection but can not do this until this is fixed..
I could use Allen's Smart Galley key word work around but that would be about 4 times as much work that I don't have time to do & would also require more work going forward.
SM please fix this.
Oh it does indeed. That's very cool!
I go to my keywords page, run a keyword, but when I click an image, it opens in lightbox, and I see no option to view in original gallery.
Ah, I'll bet it's because I have a custom page with CSS and feed code (from Allen? I think?) that generates the keywords. Because the default SM keyword page is limited to only 255. I wonder if that has been resolved as well, to "no limit"? Can those of you with the SM version tell a difference on that issue?