Make header/bread crumb float with gallery?
This is what my galleries look like
password: june
I'd love to have my header and the breadcrumb float so as you scroll down you still have easy access to the navigation. Is this possible?
password: june
I'd love to have my header and the breadcrumb float so as you scroll down you still have easy access to the navigation. Is this possible?
Does this do the trick for you…Customize/Customize Site/All Galleries/Layout/Pinning (Set to Header)?
As Les Doerfler mentioned you can easily pin the header. If you choose to do that make sure to add a dark enough background that it will still be visible against your photos. I'd also recommend that you look at your site on a small screen after you pin the header. How much of the smaller device is available for good photo viewing?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I tried to do what you said and the header is not pinning. But I really want the breadcrumb to float with the gallery, it seems like this is not possible. I'd just like it if a client gets all the way to the bottom they don't have to scroll all the way up to get back. If you've seen the pixieset galleries that's kind of the look I'm going for.
Good luck!