Force lightbox to show large size as default

kgphotoskgphotos Registered Users Posts: 106 Major grins
edited April 7, 2014 in SmugMug Customization
Hello. I am customizing my lightbox and was wondering if there was a way to show image size as large as the default in the lightbox. I went into the organizer-security/privacy and my choices there are Xlarge, Xlarge2, Xlarge3 and original. When I go into my lightbox, large is listed there. How do I get it to default to large in the lightbox so that when a user clicks on my photo is shows as large in lightbox instead of Xlarge? Is there some type of CSS code that will force it?

Thanks for your help!

my website…


  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited March 25, 2014
    Look from a browser where you are not logged in.

    When I jumped into Lightbox from one of your photos the largest size I saw was XLarge. I'm not aware of a way to change that to Large. XLarge is the smallest photo that can be set for display purposes - I haven't seen a way to force lightbox to Large.

    Large is very small on today's screens.

    --- Denise
  • kgphotoskgphotos Registered Users Posts: 106 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2014
    Hey Denise! Thanks for the quick reply! I know large is small when viewing on a large monitor. I am trying different things with my lightbox since smug changed the look. I came across someone's smug site and they had large as the default in lightbox. His choices were small, medium, large and fill in the lightbox. My choices are small, medium, large, Xlarge and fill. So why are his choices different than mine? I thought there was a way to change it.


    my website…
  • thenickdudethenickdude Registered Users Posts: 1,302 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2014
    I think that would happen if your uploaded original photo was smaller than XL size (so smaller than 1024x768).

    EDIT: Nevermind, as rich56k points out, you can actually choose Large as your largest display size in the settings.
  • rich56krich56k Registered Users Posts: 547 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2014
    kgphotos wrote: »
    Hey Denise! Thanks for the quick reply! I know large is small when viewing on a large monitor. I am trying different things with my lightbox since smug changed the look. I came across someone's smug site and they had large as the default in lightbox. His choices were small, medium, large and fill in the lightbox. My choices are small, medium, large, Xlarge and fill. So why are his choices different than mine? I thought there was a way to change it.


    my website…


    You make the choices for each individual the gallery settings under 'security & privacy' that will determine lightbox max viewing sizes available.

    Here's an example of large:

    Here's X-large:

    Hope this helps

    Member: ASMP; EP; NPPA; CPS
  • kgphotoskgphotos Registered Users Posts: 106 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2014
    Hey rich56k...Thanks for your suggestion. I did go into the organizer settings as a first step, but my only choices are xlarge, xlarge2, xlarge3, and original. I don't have a large option. I'm guessing my photos are too large for the large option to show. I'm just trying to tidy up my lightbox since smug changed things.
  • thenickdudethenickdude Registered Users Posts: 1,302 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2014
    Ah, I believe that the ability to limit image sizes to the smallest ones is restricted to the higher account levels (the thinking being that the lower plans are "photo sharing" plans, for sharing photos with friends, where there isn't much drive to restrict image sizes, whereas if you're selling prints on the higher account levels, you might want to restrict the sizes further to prevent people making their own prints).

    You can get around it by uploading your photos smaller than 1024x768, which should only allow the Large size to show.
  • rich56krich56k Registered Users Posts: 547 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2014
    kgphotos wrote: »
    Hey rich56k...Thanks for your suggestion. I did go into the organizer settings as a first step, but my only choices are xlarge, xlarge2, xlarge3, and original. I don't have a large option. I'm guessing my photos are too large for the large option to show. I'm just trying to tidy up my lightbox since smug changed things.

    Maybe I'm confused...I didn't even know about choosing sizes in 'organizer' hmmm...

    Try this (as attached): First open a gallery on your site while logged in; Second click: Customize>Gallery Settings

    this will get you to the window I posted earlier...which should offer medium up thru original
    Member: ASMP; EP; NPPA; CPS
  • kgphotoskgphotos Registered Users Posts: 106 Major grins
    edited March 26, 2014
    You're right Lamah! I asked the heros and that's what they told me. It's the plan that I am on. Thanks for your reply.
  • macromeistermacromeister Registered Users Posts: 490 Major grins
    edited April 7, 2014
    Lamah wrote: »
    You can get around it by uploading your photos smaller than 1024x768, which should only allow the Large size to show.

    That only works if you have your gallery settings set to 'original'. At least it does for me.

    EDIT: I found a good way to gauge what the image will look like, size-wise, before uploading to Smug. In photoshop, create your low res copy and set the view size to 100% (CTRL/1). Whatever size is presented is pretty much as it will appear in Smug on the same PC and browser. For example this shot is 750px high in Photoshop and physically measure 21cm in height on the screen in both Photoshop and Smug (as you see it in that link) I can reduce my browser size quite a bit before the image starts to touch the top/bottom of the browser window. That gallery is set to 'original'. I didn't like it when my images went up to the top/bottom edges as they looked too cramped, especially with the title overlay bar at the bottom.
    I'm Rob Ashcroft - MACROMEISTER IMAGES . . . .
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