Vertical alignment of Site text

In my header I have logo, Site Name Text (with a tag line) and nav menu.
Is there anyway of centering the Site text ("Ace Coote Photography") and the tag line ("Sports Photography, Kingston SE") VERTICALLY.
It looks like the tag line creates another line below the site name (but this means there is more vacant space above the site name than below the tag line)
Thank you for any assistance
Is there anyway of centering the Site text ("Ace Coote Photography") and the tag line ("Sports Photography, Kingston SE") VERTICALLY.
It looks like the tag line creates another line below the site name (but this means there is more vacant space above the site name than below the tag line)
Thank you for any assistance
My opinion does not necessarily make it true. What you do with my opinion is entirely up to you.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Hi Denise. Yes I'm afraid I have done that. At the moment top padding is 5px and bottom is 10px.
I tried setting a top margin of -10px but only the logo moved (part of it extended above my blue header bar) but it didn't make much difference (that I could see) to the Site name and tag line.
I'm starting to think it is a design omission by Smugmug.
If I remove the tag line the Site name looks OK ... but when I add the tag line, it just gets pushed under the Site name.
In my mind adding the tag line should result in the site name moving up a bit.
Thank you to you both for having a look - much appreciated.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
My monitor is about 26 inches across.
For those that come across this thread:
I contacted SmugHelp desk and after a couple of to and fro's came to the conclusion that the logo/header content block is not able to vertically align text and nor does it have the capability to make adjustments at the pixel level.
The work around is to create an image with the logo and text and then insert that image as the logo image.
Then it's a little bit of fiddling with size and padding.
I have it as I wanted it ... so all good.
Once again thanks to Denise and ChancyRat - very much appreciate your time/opinions