AdSense Content Block

We just added an AdSense content block to the customizer.
You can read about how to use it here
Please post all feedback, bugs, or anything out of the norm to THIS thread. I have the head developer of the project following this. All other reports won't be seen as quickly.
You can read about how to use it here
Please post all feedback, bugs, or anything out of the norm to THIS thread. I have the head developer of the project following this. All other reports won't be seen as quickly.

As far as I can tell, things are working. The ads I configured are showing up in their proper places. One question - somewhere in the documentation it says you are "limited to one half page ad per page", or something like that. What does that mean exactly? I feared at first it meant you could only put one of these units per page, but that's clearly not the case, since I had up to 3 working (Google's limit). So, if there's meant to be a limit, it's broken, and please leave it broken, lol. It's standard practice to use multiple ads per page.
I won't know for sure if it's REALLY working until I start getting clicks and revenue showing up from them. All appears to be well though.
My only real "wish" is that there were many more options for placement areas. This has nothing to do with the Adsense block though, you can place it in all the same places you can the other content blocks. For this though, it would be especially handy to be able to put it right under the image. It would also be nice to be able to overlay one at perhaps the bottom of the lightbox.
Before I get a bunch of pros saying "OMG who wants ads on or around their photos", you need to understand how I use this site. My main parks website is a pretty high traffic resource for people looking for info on the national parks. They are sent to my SM site when they want to view larger versions of the photos hosted on my own site. So, while print sales occasionally happen, 99% of my traffic is of the "looking around" variety. That's why CPC ads are so critical for me, and why I was so adamant about this being added. I was losing very significant money without this.
So anyway, thanks for getting this done, and sorry if I was a bit harsh at times. I've just been here long enough to know how long things can take sometimes, and I don't like having my income taken away
Update. It's only been live on my site for like 20 minutes, the placements were rushed and not ideal, and I already have two clicks and income reported. So it appears to work
This is referring only to the 300x600 (a.k.a "half page") ad size, which per AdSense policy, is only allowed once per page:
That is in addition to the standard limit of 3 per page.
(and an avid landscape photographer - view my website)
Ah OK. I've been using Adsense since 2006, and I've never even noticed that one. That's a bit absurdly huge
Thanks for being patient, and not TOO vicious with me.
Photo Blog
Nice job! Thank you guys! Back to FULL BUSINESS, BABY! ·
Now is: want to change:
I am able to add some affiliate advertizing using an html content block, but it does not seem to work for Amazon html links. Is it the i-frame? Any thoughts? I would like to do some banner advertizing, but Google Ads are so hard to control. There is so much advertizing content that they display that goes against my personal philosophy and do not want to be associated with. Are there plans to offer more ways to add advertising to our sites?
Stock Images: (Smugmug Site)
Stock Video:
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at