keyword page - changing font size?

500th time to try to post to the forum, hope this works (I've been getting blank pages on any browser).
How do I change the font size on the keyword page?
I swear this code used to work but no more.
Thanks much.
How do I change the font size on the keyword page?
I swear this code used to work but no more.
Thanks much.
.sm-page-widget-feed .sm-feed-item-description { max-width: none !important; font-size: 22px; } .sm-page-widget-keywords a { color: #000 !important; } .sm-page-widget-keywords a :hover, .sm-page-widget-keywords a:hover { color: #247AFF !important; }
.sm-keywords-list {
font-size: 22px;
Support Hero and Customeister
Thanks Eric, Perfect.
How about, what is the code that will let me put a background color around the keywords (like they were in a table) - where the plan is to also add an image background? Similar to this page:
My Website index | My Blog
Thank you AL-LEN.
A nagging problem that has haunted me through dozens of pages: How do I get the text content [in this example it's an image] of a box, to center in a box? I have tried 100 variations on position, align, etc., in both the html and the CSS. Always the content left-justifies inside the box.
On this page my fix is to switch back and forth between the size of the box and the size of the image, until I achieve a very small box such that the content appears to be centered.
What I want sometimes is to have a very wide box but small text or image content to be centered in it.
I know how to align the box itself, but not the content in it.
Be careful naming div's, an ID name can only be once on a page.
My Website index | My Blog
Thank you again - your semi-scary puzzle instruction was not that painful in the end.