Multiple sections in same gallery?
So, I've just come over from Phanfare where I had the ability for an "album" to have multiple sections - e.g. My sister's wedding had a section for the rehearsal dinner, the "Getting ready," the ceremony, the reception. Great.
I know I cannot do that in Smugmug - each has to be its own Gallery. But as far as I can see, then they have to be in a Folder - and a Folder canNOT integrate in with galleries?!! So, I'm left with my sister's wedding stuck somewhere else out of chronological order for the year?
Here's a page with an example of the current dynamic - London trip was in June of 2012 - but I can't achieve that without having 18 Galleries - all for the trip to England - in the middle of my galleries, and not in a folder? ARGH!
Seems like a pretty simple thing - to gather multiple galleries into a gallery?
Any workarounds? I'm comfortable with CSS and the like so willing to do some work if need be. Thanks for your help -
I know I cannot do that in Smugmug - each has to be its own Gallery. But as far as I can see, then they have to be in a Folder - and a Folder canNOT integrate in with galleries?!! So, I'm left with my sister's wedding stuck somewhere else out of chronological order for the year?
Here's a page with an example of the current dynamic - London trip was in June of 2012 - but I can't achieve that without having 18 Galleries - all for the trip to England - in the middle of my galleries, and not in a folder? ARGH!
Seems like a pretty simple thing - to gather multiple galleries into a gallery?
Any workarounds? I'm comfortable with CSS and the like so willing to do some work if need be. Thanks for your help -
You can also have separate gallaries and then display the photos on a web page, by putting the galleries in manually, but I think that will be less flexible. Variations on that them where the galleries are smart and populated by keywords, etc. might allow you to have one physical gallery and more than one display.
But offhand I think just a folder with each gallery in there is the simplest. In Collage Landscape it's very attractive (example: has a bunch of sports galleries).
In the older smugmug, and maybe in the classic current UI (though I have not tried) you could embed URL's in the description which would take you to a specific position in the gallery, like a table of contents. I do not know how to do that in Collage Landscape (which I did), as that allows you to have a huge gallery with quick jumps into it.
I believe you can achieve what you want - but I'm not sure what you want exactly. What does "a folder cannot integrate in with galleries" mean?
You can drag the folders, galleries and pages content blocks into any folder, gallery, or page, and choose specific galleries, folders, or pages, to populate them.
For example if you have a gallery for the Wedding Total - what photos would reside there?
Then you can drag a galleries content block into the page, and choose the galleries to populate (as thumbnail image links). The contents of each of those galleries would be organized elsewhere on your site.
Top Folder>Sub-Folders>Galleries or any combination. You can name a folder anything, and treat it like a gallery. You can also make a custom page to place both galleries and folders on one page in a layout you like. For instance. In my Family & Friends folder (which I call a category), I have both galleries and sub-folders displayed on a custom built page. Here's another custom page I created to house sub folders and galleries. You can even make pages that host pages made to look like a gallery.
Here's a help page showing how you can go down 7 levels.
Not only can you put blocks of anything almost anywhere, you can name them or call them anything than what they really are.
What you see in Organizer mode, can have no resemblance to how you set up your site for visitors.
Can you sketch a line drawing of how you want it to work?
If you had "a section for the rehearsal dinner, the "Getting ready," the ceremony, the reception..." didn't those exist as links to other pages/galleries?
And - what does this mean, you think " a Folder canNOT integrate in with galleries"?
Basically if you look at the example link above from my 2012 page, i just want that little thumbnail for the FOLDER for the Trip to London (example link above) to appear in June 2012 - after the May 2012 gallery thumbnails and before the July 2012 galleries. Then when you click on it, it could have the 18 sub-galleries in it. I wouldn't want one gallery for 2 weeks on vacation, too much at once.
But the narrative of the year - the chronology isn't interrupted.
I will post the Phanfare link when i am able - it's only giving me mobile links right now.
May 2012 photos [NOT A LINK TO A GALLERY where the photos are]
July 2012 Gallery link A, Gallery link B, Gallery Link C
Does your entire history exist on one URL? All of time?
Top page has slideshow, Year by Year (to folders for each year), and some other stuff (still working on that.)
Each year has it's own page:
Then you'll see that the galleries proceed (reverse chronological right now). Plan was to add a slideshow with "best of" at the top of the page. But I would like the whole year in uniform thumbnails.
Does that make sense? If I have to make our trip to London multiple galleries, it's too much. I would love to design a fabulous separate page for it with all sorts of fun, but want it to be listed among the others chronologically -
1) Click Customize > Customize site
2) Click the All Folders heading
3) Drag a Folders, galleries and Pages content block to the main view (under Content > Navigation). This content block allows you to display folders, galleries, and pages all within the same area (rather than divided sections)
4) Edit that content block and set it to be arranged by name. Since you are naming your galleries and folders with a date system, that should arrange them in order by date, putting the folder in the middle of the galleries in the correct position.
I hope this helps!
SmugMug Support Hero
re-picking in another order.
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OK - so, I'm back and that DID work for me, but I did find that I could choose (in the second tab of the settings for the "Folders, Gallieries, Pages" module) that I could choose to sort by a couple different options - one of which says, "Organizer Position" - does that not mean manual? For me, by date can work b/c I have a naming system (Year-month-day - so then I can choose ascending of descending) and lo and behold, the trip to england in June is between the May photos and the July photos - wahoo!
Thank you so much!
That's what I thought but you can't move the folder - is that what you were saying? So, it will slot the folder in wherever it lands, but by name or date? I can't move the folder in the organizer, so that's what I'm trying to figure out.
For some reason, on two of the years, the transition to the one grouping worked perfectly. But for some reason, one year it's not correctly sorting the names (and I double checked the names as well as the smugmug short URLs) - hmmm…
Anyway, I'm just thrilled that I can get my photos back to being organized the way I like them. :-) Thanks, all!
That said, there's an issue with the folders, galleries and pages content block on where it may not always respect the positions you've set up in the organizer. Right now, the only option to avoid that would be to set up different content blocks for folders and galleries.
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