I've now released version 0.3.0 of this extension which solves the issue with the "SM" icon disappearing from the address bar during page load and after navigating through galleries (it it now reshown after about 500ms delay). Chancy, this version also includes a tickbox on the Save Gallery List page which allows you to use Permalinks instead of regular links (though note that folders cannot have permalinks, only galleries may have permalinks).
If you've installed the extension already, Chrome should update you to this version automatically within a few hours. To manually update, click the menu button, then Tools->Extensions. Tick the "developer mode" tickbox at the top right, then click "update extensions now". You should see the version number next to the Unofficial SmugMug Extension for Chrome update to 0.3.0 after a couple of minutes.
If you haven't installed the extension already, you can get it here by clicking the green button:
Hey Lamah. I just want to say thanks for all your hard work on your customization page. I was on it and I used some of the code on my site. Anyways, I'm on a mac using Safari. Any chance there is a way to back up my site using Safari instead of Chrome?
this version also includes a tickbox on the Save Gallery List page which allows you to use Permalinks instead of regular links (though note that folders cannot have permalinks, only galleries may have permalinks).
Thanks, just got around to trying it and it worked liked a charm as always.
I gave a HUGE sigh of relief, when I was able to easily hover over a link on my visitor sitemap and right click/copy it. Getting the permalink - how easy is that!
Also you said the folders don't have permalinks but thank you very much for including the folder links in the permalink results. I was afraid I would see the permalink set exclude folders.
Nicholas, I wonder if you could take a look at this thread: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=246524
and possibly revise the code for the sitemap that your program generates - or tell me what code to change in it - so that my background image that I've added to the Sitemap gallery, doesn't "poof" into non-existence when the browser size is smaller than 12 or 13 inches? I'm hoping this is the problem, deduced by, this is the only gallery that has this problem, and the @media code seems to be the reason. Thanks.
Oh no, possible catastrophe?
Nicholas, the current version of Chrome caused your program to disable.
EDIT: Oops, I see it's the beta version of Chrome that may be the problem.
I removed the extension and reinstalled it, which appeared to be successful, but when I tried to use the program (after opening a new window), a message came up that some extensions had been disabled because they weren't from the Chrome store. I can't enable it on the Chrome settings page, that option is greyed out.
This is version 1.3.3 of your program, and Chrome is Version 35.0.1916.99 beta-m (which I have to use because of a work-related thing).
Is it possible for your program to work on this version of Chrome?
I've now published the extension in the Chrome Web Store, which will allow it to work on these new versions of Chrome. The new store version is 0.3.3.
If you've already got 0.3.1 installed, Chrome should automatically upgrade you to 0.3.3 within the next couple of hours. To speed up the process, you can tick the "developer mode" tickbox on Chrome's extensions page, then click the "update extensions now" button. After a few minutes, the version number next to the "Unofficial SmugMug Extension for Chrome" should update to 0.3.2. Then click "update extensions now" again, and it should get upgraded to 0.3.3, which is the web-store version. It should re-enable itself once it reaches 0.3.3.
If you don't have it installed already, you can install it from the web store directly:
I am using a Macbook Pro with the latest version of Chrome installed. I had the same issue the other day and thought perhaps updating the extension would sort it.
I've now published the extension in the Chrome Web Store, which will allow it to work on these new versions of Chrome. The new store version is 0.3.3.
If you've already got 0.3.1 installed, Chrome should automatically upgrade you to 0.3.3 within the next couple of hours. To speed up the process, you can tick the "developer mode" tickbox on Chrome's extensions page, then click the "update extensions now" button. After a few minutes, the version number next to the "Unofficial SmugMug Extension for Chrome" should update to 0.3.2. Then click "update extensions now" again, and it should get upgraded to 0.3.3, which is the web-store version. It should re-enable itself once it reaches 0.3.3.
If you don't have it installed already, you can install it from the web store directly:
I'm sorry if it was work for you to put this in the Chrome store. Or - does that cause other problems we should know about? All good for me, I deleted the version that was on Chrome (enabling it wasn't an option), then reinstalled from the store. Backup in progress!
Thank you for the additional customization I see you added. I haven't been able to play with some of them, but the "get permalink" (for the page you are on) option is totally cool. It's a bit funny that one can't navigate with the top menu, though, because that takes you out of the .smugmug domain. So to get the permalink for a page I visit, I have to add .smugmug to the URL and then it's available. Maybe I'm missing something about how to navigate within a site so that the "get permalink" is steadily functional.
And even more astonishing and wonderful is your addition of the option to edit bulk keywords in legacy mode, which is now gone from New Smug. You are seriously awesome. clap
Chancy, I'm currently working on some changes that will allow the SmugMug extension to run on custom SmugMug domain names. I'm really looking forward to using that, since I'm tired of editing my domain name in the URL too!
Chancy, I've uploaded a Beta version of the extension which now supports custom domain names, do you mind giving it a try for me? You can install it from here:
You should disable the old extension on Chrome's extension page so you don't get them muddled up.
The "SM" button now appears on the right of the address bar instead of inside it. You should be able to click on it while you're on your custom site and choose the option to enable SM-for-chrome for that domain name.
Very nice not to have to punch in the custom domain each time. Interesting though that I only see two fields - Caption and Keywords. For some reason the Title field isn't appearing for me. In the two fields I get though it works great.
raebrown, that's actually the old bulk-editor from SmugMug Legacy which my plugin is keeping available for us on New SmugMug. I'm in the process of building a replacement for it which will also support editing the Title field, here's what it looks like so far:
I should be able to publish a version of the extension which contains this new bulk editor in a couple of days.
My bad, I saw the image earlier and expected to see it in the current extension. Will watch for your release of the new extension. Thanks for all your great work Nicholas.
raebrown, that's actually the old bulk-editor from SmugMug Legacy which my plugin is keeping available for us on New SmugMug. I'm in the process of building a replacement for it which will also support editing the Title field, here's what it looks like so far:
I should be able to publish a version of the extension which contains this new bulk editor in a couple of days.
:jawdrop Okay Nicholas I seriously hope Smugmug PAYS YOU for this.
I have two quick questions about your new bulk keyword tool:
1. Will it have all the subsets of search/release of the old tool? {is there a pray emoticon?}
2. I can't tell from your screenshot, so I'm just asking: is it possible to see lots of thumbs/fields in a large group, or are we limited to 2-4, as your screenshot indicates? Others may have different opinions but from what I see, if you made the thumbnail smaller so that the bottom edge aligned with the caption field bottom edge, you would eliminate some white space. Then if you made both of those a bit smaller, even more total thumbs at one time would fit. I ask because this was one awkwardness about legacy, that if you wanted to make keywords uniform, and you weren't sure which photos to work with, lots and lots of scrolling up and down to see them all was required.
THANK you for remembering the filename - will it show the full name even if it's 40 characters?
Another thought on white-space-saving: the keywords field could be smaller and the caption field could be larger? Reverse the sizes so to speak, then perhaps make the caption field smaller?
OMG what am I doing here - I hope you like this kind of input. Mainly I'm doing backflips of happiness.
Chancy, I've uploaded a Beta version of the extension which now supports custom domain names, do you mind giving it a try for me? You can install it from here:
You should disable the old extension on Chrome's extension page so you don't get them muddled up.
The "SM" button now appears on the right of the address bar instead of inside it. You should be able to click on it while you're on your custom site and choose the option to enable SM-for-chrome for that domain name.
Amazing that you can be inside the custom domain, roam around via the menu, choose permalinks, then choose to do a backup, and the program seems to be able to automatically revert to the .smugmug domain.
Nicholas, maybe you're actively editing the add-on right now, or, Smugmug has actively cut off your access to the Legacy bulk editing program, but your add-on is not working right now.
The Legacy bulk edit tool has disappeared from the dropdown list.
This is that I installed this morning and used to review the Legacy bulk keyword edit function.
Another thought on white-space-saving: the keywords field could be smaller and the caption field could be larger? Reverse the sizes so to speak, then perhaps make the caption field smaller?
OMG what am I doing here - I hope you like this kind of input. Mainly I'm doing backflips of happiness.
Yes, keywords can be stacked vertically so does not need wide box. Caption box needs as much width
as possible so you can see final results, line breaks, etc.
Another thought on white-space-saving: the keywords field could be smaller and the caption field could be larger? Reverse the sizes so to speak, then perhaps make the caption field smaller?
Whoops, I'm not sure why there is a size discrepancy at the moment anyway, they're supposed to be the same size. I'll change it to make the keywords field skinnier than the caption.
1. Will it have all the subsets of search/release of the old tool? {is there a pray emoticon?}
I think I've got them all in there:
2. I can't tell from your screenshot, so I'm just asking: is it possible to see lots of thumbs/fields in a large group, or are we limited to 2-4, as your screenshot indicates?
Currently, my laptop screen is tall enough to show 4.5 at a time. I'll add an option for shrinking the heights.
THANK you for remembering the filename - will it show the full name even if it's 40 characters?
Nicholas, maybe you're actively editing the add-on right now, or, Smugmug has actively cut off your access to the Legacy bulk editing program, but your add-on is not working right now.
The Legacy bulk edit tool has disappeared from the dropdown list.
This is that I installed this morning and used to review the Legacy bulk keyword edit function.
Actually, Google Web Store doesn't let me update the sourcecode without bumping the version number at the same time (something that I imagine users will be thrilled about, given how slack I normally am about announcing changes). Neither is this something that SmugMug can really block. Are you certain that you're not clicking on the old SM icon which is inside the address bar on the right side, instead of the SM icon which is outside at the right side of it? Are you on a gallery page at the time?
The extension can actually be installed inline from my website, which is linked there.
Actually, Google Web Store doesn't let me update the sourcecode without bumping the version number at the same time (something that I imagine users will be thrilled about, given how slack I normally am about announcing changes).
I think I can speak on behalf of the SM community and say we will always forgive you and always be thrilled.
Neither is this something that SmugMug can really block. Are you certain that you're not clicking on the old SM icon which is inside the address bar on the right side, instead of the SM icon which is outside at the right side of it? Are you on a gallery page at the time?
My bad, I was on the homepage. Forgot the rule. I am often a good representative of "average" so it occurs to me you could put the tool on the list but have it greyed out if someone is on the wrong type page... maybe have "galleries only" next to the term?
I need to review Legacy, will comment again in a bit.
Nicholas, I can't quite see from your snapshots if you are setting up this set of rules:
Select all/Deselect all
There are 5 variables one can change, and for some options in a variable, a 6th and 7th variable pops up as an option.
Field 1: Add, Remove, Replace, Empty, Remove Numeric
[When Replace is chosen, the text field turns into 2 fields, "this" and "with this".]
Field 2: "In" (in the order this is third on the row but I'm putting it here)
All, Empty, Filled, Selected, Unselected, Contains, Not contains
When "contains" or "not contains" is selected, a 2nd text field opens up so that one is saying Add "BIRD" in contains "DOG" keywords.
Field 3: This [and another "this" and/or "with this" per above]
There is only one text field unless Replace is chosen, or Contains/Not contains is chosen, per above.
Field 4: Keywords, Captions, Both
And Preview is the execute my instructions button, and then Save commits the edits.
I know you know all this but this amazing, sophisticated tool functionality ought to be spelled out so we can see what we are losing.
Version on my Chrome says 0.3.1
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Thanks for your help!
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Thanks, just got around to trying it and it worked liked a charm as always.
I gave a HUGE sigh of relief, when I was able to easily hover over a link on my visitor sitemap and right click/copy it. Getting the permalink - how easy is that!
Also you said the folders don't have permalinks but thank you very much for including the folder links in the permalink results. I was afraid I would see the permalink set exclude folders.
and possibly revise the code for the sitemap that your program generates - or tell me what code to change in it - so that my background image that I've added to the Sitemap gallery, doesn't "poof" into non-existence when the browser size is smaller than 12 or 13 inches? I'm hoping this is the problem, deduced by, this is the only gallery that has this problem, and the @media code seems to be the reason. Thanks.
Nicholas, the current version of Chrome caused your program to disable.
EDIT: Oops, I see it's the beta version of Chrome that may be the problem.
I removed the extension and reinstalled it, which appeared to be successful, but when I tried to use the program (after opening a new window), a message came up that some extensions had been disabled because they weren't from the Chrome store. I can't enable it on the Chrome settings page, that option is greyed out.
This is version 1.3.3 of your program, and Chrome is Version 35.0.1916.99 beta-m (which I have to use because of a work-related thing).
Is it possible for your program to work on this version of Chrome?
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
If you've already got 0.3.1 installed, Chrome should automatically upgrade you to 0.3.3 within the next couple of hours. To speed up the process, you can tick the "developer mode" tickbox on Chrome's extensions page, then click the "update extensions now" button. After a few minutes, the version number next to the "Unofficial SmugMug Extension for Chrome" should update to 0.3.2. Then click "update extensions now" again, and it should get upgraded to 0.3.3, which is the web-store version. It should re-enable itself once it reaches 0.3.3.
If you don't have it installed already, you can install it from the web store directly:
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Not sure if you can help, but I keep getting the following error when I try backing up mysite:
Failed to fetch system page 'http://kingswoodphotography.smugmug.com/404'
I am using a Macbook Pro with the latest version of Chrome installed. I had the same issue the other day and thought perhaps updating the extension would sort it.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Thanks for the speedy response.... All working fine now.
I'm sorry if it was work for you to put this in the Chrome store. Or - does that cause other problems we should know about? All good for me, I deleted the version that was on Chrome (enabling it wasn't an option), then reinstalled from the store. Backup in progress!
And even more astonishing and wonderful is your addition of the option to edit bulk keywords in legacy mode, which is now gone from New Smug. You are seriously awesome.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
You should disable the old extension on Chrome's extension page so you don't get them muddled up.
The "SM" button now appears on the right of the address bar instead of inside it. You should be able to click on it while you're on your custom site and choose the option to enable SM-for-chrome for that domain name.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Tickled Pixels
Tickled Pixels Blog: "A walk in Gamla stan, the old town of Stockholm"
I should be able to publish a version of the extension which contains this new bulk editor in a couple of days.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Tickled Pixels
Tickled Pixels Blog: "A walk in Gamla stan, the old town of Stockholm"
:jawdrop Okay Nicholas I seriously hope Smugmug PAYS YOU for this.
I have two quick questions about your new bulk keyword tool:
1. Will it have all the subsets of search/release of the old tool? {is there a pray emoticon?}
2. I can't tell from your screenshot, so I'm just asking: is it possible to see lots of thumbs/fields in a large group, or are we limited to 2-4, as your screenshot indicates? Others may have different opinions but from what I see, if you made the thumbnail smaller so that the bottom edge aligned with the caption field bottom edge, you would eliminate some white space. Then if you made both of those a bit smaller, even more total thumbs at one time would fit. I ask because this was one awkwardness about legacy, that if you wanted to make keywords uniform, and you weren't sure which photos to work with, lots and lots of scrolling up and down to see them all was required.
THANK you for remembering the filename - will it show the full name even if it's 40 characters?
OMG what am I doing here - I hope you like this kind of input. Mainly I'm doing backflips of happiness.
Amazing that you can be inside the custom domain, roam around via the menu, choose permalinks, then choose to do a backup, and the program seems to be able to automatically revert to the .smugmug domain.
The Legacy bulk edit tool has disappeared from the dropdown list.
This is that I installed this morning and used to review the Legacy bulk keyword edit function.
EDIT ANSWER: My bad, I wasn't in a gallery.
as possible so you can see final results, line breaks, etc.
My Website index | My Blog
Whoops, I'm not sure why there is a size discrepancy at the moment anyway, they're supposed to be the same size. I'll change it to make the keywords field skinnier than the caption.
I think I've got them all in there:
Currently, my laptop screen is tall enough to show 4.5 at a time. I'll add an option for shrinking the heights.
40 characters? Geez! How's this? 40 characters exactly:
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
The extension can actually be installed inline from my website, which is linked there.
Actually, Google Web Store doesn't let me update the sourcecode without bumping the version number at the same time (something that I imagine users will be thrilled about, given how slack I normally am about announcing changes). Neither is this something that SmugMug can really block. Are you certain that you're not clicking on the old SM icon which is inside the address bar on the right side, instead of the SM icon which is outside at the right side of it? Are you on a gallery page at the time?
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
I think I can speak on behalf of the SM community and say we will always forgive you
My bad, I was on the homepage. Forgot the rule. I am often a good representative of "average"
I need to review Legacy, will comment again in a bit.
Select all/Deselect all
There are 5 variables one can change, and for some options in a variable, a 6th and 7th variable pops up as an option.
Field 1: Add, Remove, Replace, Empty, Remove Numeric
[When Replace is chosen, the text field turns into 2 fields, "this" and "with this".]
Field 2: "In" (in the order this is third on the row but I'm putting it here)
All, Empty, Filled, Selected, Unselected, Contains, Not contains
When "contains" or "not contains" is selected, a 2nd text field opens up so that one is saying Add "BIRD" in contains "DOG" keywords.
Field 3: This [and another "this" and/or "with this" per above]
There is only one text field unless Replace is chosen, or Contains/Not contains is chosen, per above.
Field 4: Keywords, Captions, Both
And Preview is the execute my instructions button, and then Save commits the edits.
I know you know all this but this amazing, sophisticated tool functionality ought to be spelled out so we can see what we are losing.