Bold top menu link when you're on one of it's sub menu pages?
I have the following code which bolds the page title in my navigation menu for the page you're actively on:
Is it possible to bold the parent menu title when you're on one of it's children sub-menu's pages?
/* Make the menu nav bar text for the active page a different color */ .sm-page-widget-nav-activepage > a { color: #181818 !important; font-weight:bold; border-bottom-width:2px; border-bottom-style:solid; border-bottom-color:#505050; }
Is it possible to bold the parent menu title when you're on one of it's children sub-menu's pages?
Unfortunately we only add an identifier for the specific menu link that is active. The parent of a child (i.e. the top menu for a sub-menu) doesn't get an identifier that can then be controlled with CSS. If you would like to suggest this you can head on over to the SmugMug Feature Requests page and let us know!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Thanks Aaron for your fast reply! I didn't know you worked for SM! Too cool.. Googling SmugMug customizations always brings up your (awesome) site. I fear my feature request will be lost in all the votes, I'll have to live without it I guess
You're welcome!
I'm in week #2 here so it's very new and I'm still learning the ropes. I'm planning on making a more official announcement on the forums very soon.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Your first project is to make the parent menu link bold
I was excited to see your new profile. Nice to see someone that knows the product well working for the company. Any chance you can give some insight on how things work on the inside? Specifically, why we see more features removed than added, why bugs take years to get fixed (if ever), and why every decision just seems crazy? Or maybe that's more of a question for a former employee instead of a new one...
The beauty of having a guy with a customization background join the Product Team is that there's now a new voice for customization features!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Unfortunately at this time it's not possible.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
But... {sniff sniff} does this mean you can't help us with custom code any more?
Thanks! It actually means the opposite
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
You are sweet, Aaron, and even when I've gone and mixed you and Nicholas up.
My bad.
So sorry.
So glad you can continue to help us!
Couldn't you use the 'state' of the parent menu to achieve this?? Maybe it would only work on accordion menus (smcust I cannot see a link to your site, so not sure how you have your menu set up). On my site (link below) I have a parent menu (called 'More') with sub menu, and I have the colour of the menu change when the submenu is expanded, and change back when it is not. Could you do something similar to make yours bold?
EDIT: Although on further thought, I am guessing you are not using a collapsable menu, as if you were you prob wouldn't be trying to highlight which is the parent menu!
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There's hope!
Here is my site:
Password: dgrinpass
Sam, your photographs are amazing! Stunning. My menu is set up using SmugMug's menu navigation. SmugMug knows somewhere which the parent page is, as this is how they're set up (drag and drop and indent using SmugMug's menu builder)
Do you think it could work?
Aaaahhhhh. I see what you are wanting to do now. I'm afraid the idea I had is not going to help you in this case.
(And thank you for the very kind of comments! Your site is looking great!)
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My thought was this: although we cannot address a ‘parent’ element, we could simply say “When someone is viewing page A, B or C, then make one of the menu links look different.”
Try this first section as a test (to make sure the syntax is right). This just addresses the very first page under Weddings:
After that, if you are on the “How to Hire a Wedding Photographer” page, the ‘Weddings’ menu item should be highlighted with your chosen formatting.
If that works, then replace the code above with this:
This should address *all* the first child pages under Weddings (but not the subpages off “After your wedding”). I know you can select multiple elements with commas separating them, but I have never tried it with the ‘nth-child’ specification also.
If that works, then we can add to it for the sub-subpages, and do the same for the other drop down menus. Bear in mind that if in the future you change the menu, add pages later, etc you will have to reflect those changes in this code!
Let us know how you get on.
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Sam, I really appreciate you helping here! I tried the above, and it's definitely doing something, but it's "over applying", and applying the changes to all of the 3rd elements in all menus (main, and any menu item with sub menus, and submenus of the submenus)
Here is the farther I got along (still on my site). As you can see, it underlines/bolds the 3rd element of every single menu, and it bolds all of the submenus
So for every page under weddings you'd add this code. For every page under the other ones, you'd slightly change the code. It would basically say "highlight this part of the top menu based on what I tell you to highlight, because I (Phil) know what page you're on." There's no easy way to do this so that it's smart and lets the computer decide which one the user is on
This only touches the top menu item, not the sub-menus. You'd have to add this to every page under your "Weddings" tab (yes, I realize this would be tedious and there's no easy way to copy it to the other pages). If you wanted to change it to work for "Family Portraits" pages, you'd change the 3 (in red) to a 4, etc.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Ahhhh. So it would be better do add this code on every page, rather than have it centralised using the page identifier, Aaron? Would love to know the advantages?
Phil - as for the issue with the code I gave you, sorry yes I had forgotten that that command would affect EVERY 3rd child element on the menu (so the submenus and subsubmenus, etc also). Ooops! We could add a couple of lines to the code to tell it to 'reset' the sub/subsub children so they behave properly. But perhaps you want to give Aaron's suggestion a go first? I bow to his vastly superior knowledge in these things (and, ironically, he was the one who showed me about this whole 'nth-child' thing I thought might work for you!).
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So you just taught me something -- I didn't realize each page had its own identifier (the .sm-page-node-{BLAH})!!! That's an interesting thought. I guess it really depends on how you personally want to go about organizing things. Phil would still need to go into every page he has and grab the node identifier for each one, write that down, and include it in the code. It might be slightly quicker to do it this way since you won't have to go to each page (which takes a few clicks), drag in a CSS block, hit paste, click publish. However, I typically wouldn't look to a theme's CSS for customizing a specific page. My first place to look would be in a CSS block, which is the exact reason we have CSS blocks for a specific page. So really it's whatever Phil finds easier.
Just for the record, I used the "{object}>{adjacent}" identifier so that he wouldn't have to write any extra code to reset the sub-menu children (in the example above it's "nth-of-type(3)>a"). Syntax here is very important as "...(3) > a" is very different from "(3)>a" (note no spaces). This limited the code to be limited only to the very next <a> after the 3rd <li> and makes it so it doesn't apply to the sub-menus.
You teach me something, I teach you. A game of tag
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Holy heck - I'm opening some champagne!
The page identifiers aren't too hard to find - and I already grabbed all the submenu page identifiers for Phil in my second batch of code above just to get things started.
I had no idea you could combine 'li.elementx' (nor exactly what this is doing), nor do I understand the syntax difference of 'identifier>a' vs 'identifier > a' that you explained so yes some new things there for me, thanks!
So Aaron, theoretically your 'adjacent' identifier would also work with my earlier code to limit it to the top menu only? I.e: if Phil made the change in red (beware the line that scrolls off the edge of the box):
My two cents worth on where to put the CSS - I put all my stuff in the Theme's CSS rather than blocks on different pages so that I know where to go to look for problems/make changes, rather than trying to remember which page I did what on.
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I ONLY put stuff in a theme if it affects that specific theme. Change themes and you lose it all.
I use specific page class names to change my site wide banner for a specific "category". I added two
CSS blocks, one for remove and one for add. Both banner widgets added "entire site".
example of contents: "entire site" CSS - there are over 1200 lines like this is each block.
remove block
.sm-page-widget-5027770 {visibility: hidden; height:0} /* site wide */
.sm-page-node-DhQXH .sm-page-widget-5028039, /* 2014-05-30 */
.sm-page-node-bZH5n .sm-page-widget-5028039, /* 2014-05-26 */
.sm-page-node-JBSHj .sm-page-widget-5028039, /* 2014-05-24 */
.sm-page-node-7zTGC .sm-page-widget-5028039, /* 2014-05-22 */
{visibility: hidden; height:0}
add block
.sm-page-node-DhQXH .sm-page-widget-5027770, /* 2014-05-30 */
.sm-page-node-bZH5n .sm-page-widget-5027770, /* 2014-05-26 */
.sm-page-node-JBSHj .sm-page-widget-5027770, /* 2014-05-24 */
.sm-page-node-7zTGC .sm-page-widget-5027770, /* 2014-05-22 */
{visibility: visible; height:auto; margin-bottom: -10px;}
When I add a page I right click > Inspect Element
Copy page class name from <body> tag
My Website index | My Blog
In CSS you can use the HTML tag and add in it's class name to be very specific. In the case above, I'm saying that "All <LI> list elements that have a class name of ".sm-page-widget-nav-toplink" should be included. Normally I don't include the HTML element in my CSS since I can just get away with the class name (simply just ".sm-page-widget....", however, in this case, I needed to say that I want all "<A>" elements adjacent to an "<LI>" element (thus the>a). Does this make any sense?
I'm not really sure why "li > a" is different from "li>a" but one worked and one didn't <img src="" border="0" alt="" >
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
As for the with/without space on the '>a' I hadn't seen reference to there being anything different, just that this was a 'child combinator selector' that only applies for the next level down for the parent (not sub-levels). But
I am concerned we may have lost the original poster, Phil, along the way. Phil - feel free to let us know how you get on, or if we've made things more confusing with our CSS Amateaur Hour Classes we should be able to clarify for you!
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/* Make the menu nav bar text for the submenu's parent page a different color */
.sm-page-node-pvjwZ .sm-page-widget-7335931>a,
....above repeated for each page of each parent, changing (3) to the order the parent is in in the nav bar....
color: #181818 !important;
border-bottom-width: 2px;
border-bottom-style: solid;
border-bottom-color: #505050;
Happy to have been of help.
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