a friend needed a few quick ports done for his new job.

the request was quite specific:
no smiling.
jacket on.
only chest up.
i'm hoping to shoot with him once he is situated in the office, and has a story telling backdrop.
Arseny - the too honest guy.
Be my guest: Alex Braverman Photography
thank you
I seem to prefer and gravitate to more of a dark/contrasty light.. the opposite of what most people prefer.
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My problem with the low-key set is his eyes. They appear squint or even cross-eyed and vacant. The last photo has life in it.
Be my guest: Alex Braverman Photography
I was trying to fight the cross eyed look, but my thinking is that this should've been done during the shooting, not in post. do you guys have any tricks in the hat for the PP fixes?
the light sources were two 60" stripboxes on either side. placing them higher wouldn't be possible.
I ended up throwing a reflector in front of him after that #2 was taken.
What I need to find is a reflector stand.
I appreciate the feedback, guys.
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I don't. This should be done during the shooting. The person is the subject, the background is of less value. That's why #4 works and others don't.
Having the camera tethered to a workstation during the shoot would reveal such defects in real time, and would prompt you to reshoot.
Be my guest: Alex Braverman Photography
one thing I should note with "work/doesn't work" bit. White shot does not work for me at all.the only reason I included it is because my friend and some other people liked it. So, I guess, this is where the art bit comes into the game.
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14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
85 and 50 1.4
45 PC and sb910 x2