Now You See Me, Now You Might Not
These butterflies were quite abundant around a roadside spring and pool in a mountain pass in Corsica. These were very skittish, seldom settling for more than a second. Maybe this was due to many Wall Lizards, probably the main predator, also being present.
This species may be the same as I later saw feeding on yellow thistle flowers. Anyway, these two images show how viewing the insect in different lighting affects its visibility. Both butterflies perched on a vertical wall around the pool. The lighting of the second one is not as seen from the other side of the first one but was somewhat shaded and diffuse but was from the opposite diretion.
EM-1, aperture priority & auto mode*, Kiron 105mm macro, probably f11, 1/160 & 1/800 ISO 400, harsh sunlight, hand-held.
* My intention would have been to use aperture priority but it probably comes to the same thing with the manual diaphragm.
Images cropped.

This species may be the same as I later saw feeding on yellow thistle flowers. Anyway, these two images show how viewing the insect in different lighting affects its visibility. Both butterflies perched on a vertical wall around the pool. The lighting of the second one is not as seen from the other side of the first one but was somewhat shaded and diffuse but was from the opposite diretion.
EM-1, aperture priority & auto mode*, Kiron 105mm macro, probably f11, 1/160 & 1/800 ISO 400, harsh sunlight, hand-held.
* My intention would have been to use aperture priority but it probably comes to the same thing with the manual diaphragm.
Images cropped.

I got very few sharp images at that location so these were the only two for this story.
Brian V.
Thanks, Brian.
Normally that would be the first one but then the story would not work the same way.