Clouded Yellow Butterfly on Thistle in Greece
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This is from one of few sequences I shot with my EP-2, using the Olympus 4/3 ED 70-300mm AF. The AF was far too slow for most purposes but this butterfly was out of reach for alternative lenses and gave me sufficient time.
I don't like posting images of butterflies with damaged wings but his is not excessively obtrusive and visible only in the first image, which I think has merit. The first image is cropped by about 50%
EP-2 70-300 at 300mm, f9, ISO 200, hand-held, bright sunlight. It is probably worth a reminder that 300mm on m4/3 is equivalent to 600mm full frame.
The bright, white petals of the thistle are a bit problematic as highlights but I have toned them down considerably.
Unfortunately, I did not yet have the EM-1, which might have captured more detail.

This is from one of few sequences I shot with my EP-2, using the Olympus 4/3 ED 70-300mm AF. The AF was far too slow for most purposes but this butterfly was out of reach for alternative lenses and gave me sufficient time.
I don't like posting images of butterflies with damaged wings but his is not excessively obtrusive and visible only in the first image, which I think has merit. The first image is cropped by about 50%
EP-2 70-300 at 300mm, f9, ISO 200, hand-held, bright sunlight. It is probably worth a reminder that 300mm on m4/3 is equivalent to 600mm full frame.
The bright, white petals of the thistle are a bit problematic as highlights but I have toned them down considerably.
Unfortunately, I did not yet have the EM-1, which might have captured more detail.

If the title can be edited...
I was checking the colours of the hind wing in the JPEG against those in the RAW file and something in my brain said "Clouded Yellow", hence the incorrect title.
Natural light?
Brian V.
Sun behind the butterfly.
Thanks, Brian.
Several times, I thought of selling the lens because of its awful AF performance with my EP-2. I decided to hold onto it until I new if the claims of better performance with the EM-1 were true. I made the right decision. If I started doing a lot of long focal length shots I would probably consider an alternative, probably a zoom in the telephoto range, 200mm upwards.