Adding to Reputation Limits

Can some one shed some light on the rules for adding to some-one's reputation.
When I add to "person X's" reputation, I get a "you need to spread the reputation around" if I want to add to it some days later (and have not given anyone else some positive reputation).
Yeah, OK ... I can see the logic in that.
What I have found over the last couple of weeks though:
I have given positive reputation to four people over the last few weeks. Every time I want to add to one of these people again, I get the "you need to spread the reputation around"
So can some one tell me if I am getting this message because it is too soon after giving previous reputation ... or is it because I have only given positive feedback to just these four people and there is some "magic number" of people I have to give it to before I can return to one of these four people.
What are the "rules" for giving positive reputation? What triggers that message? What would subsequently cause that message to no longer pop up? :dunno
When I add to "person X's" reputation, I get a "you need to spread the reputation around" if I want to add to it some days later (and have not given anyone else some positive reputation).
Yeah, OK ... I can see the logic in that.
What I have found over the last couple of weeks though:
I have given positive reputation to four people over the last few weeks. Every time I want to add to one of these people again, I get the "you need to spread the reputation around"
So can some one tell me if I am getting this message because it is too soon after giving previous reputation ... or is it because I have only given positive feedback to just these four people and there is some "magic number" of people I have to give it to before I can return to one of these four people.
What are the "rules" for giving positive reputation? What triggers that message? What would subsequently cause that message to no longer pop up? :dunno
My opinion does not necessarily make it true. What you do with my opinion is entirely up to you.
but I notice that you have only one green dot. I have two green dots,
and I don't slum around with single dot people.
Seriously, this dot system has to be one of the most idiotic innovations
made here. If I want to make a judgement about someone's reputation,
I'll base it on what they say or show in their posts and not by their
dot rating.
You cannot give rep points to anyone a second time until you have given them to others. You are also limited in the number of people you can give points to in a single day. The idea is to prevent any one person from unduly influencing any member's reputation.
Tony, I laughed out loud at this. Of course, then I realized I too was slumming and quickly regained my composure.
Book 2:
Yeah, but I noticed you didn't give me another dot. You three-dot-people
just don't want to allow us fewer-dots any upward mobility. Preserving
the status quo, hunh?
Is there a gift bag that goes with the award?
Heh-heh-heh.....someone beat me to it. So now you are in the thin-air ranks of 3 dots! Congrats!
Book 2:
We'd be happy to take it away, seeing how it's so idiotic and all. Just let us know.
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Would I be less credible if you do? More credible if you don't?
Does this recently added green dot suddenly give any more
gravitas to my comments? Improve my linked photographs?
Truly, have you ever rated the quality of a poster's comment
based in any way on the green dots? Selected a post to read
for the sole reason that the poster has multi-dots? What is
the practical value?
I might in that forum where people offer things for sale,
but not in the other forums.
Book 2:
[I just like to leave positive feedback to those people who week after week give their time and expertise so freely. The dots were just a quick way for me to say thank-you even though I may not have asked the question in a thread.
Perhaps a "Like" or "Agree" system that some forums use would be better.
But you are all correct - it's not a big deal. Was just curious]
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But before that happens, as long as I can cash in all my coveted and hard earned green dots for those secret golden B&H credit certificates, I'll be happy.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I feel like my life finally has some purpose!!!!!
Thanks ... but I really was looking for a way to give more positive feedback to great contributors like yourself. Smugmug did themselves a huge favour when they hired you.
You have done an awesome job and helped out so many people. I really like they straight forward answers and responses you give. You really listen to the Smugmuggers.
I'm just so grateful for you and Denise and Mike and Allen and all the others who give their time so freely to help others.
I agree, we should definitely reward those of the community that really help everyone out. For now, I'll try to do in little ways. For example, Denise came across a bug that only affected less than half a percent of our users, of which she was one of them. Normally that might not get much priority but as a way to thank her for all that she's done for us we made sure to take care of it right away!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
that's very useful in understanding what is really going on in a lot of cases. The biggest problem with long
threads is spotting the posts that are most useful as best solutions, perhaps highlighting those posts with
a different background.
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I completely agree. We'll figure out what works the best. In either case, the feature can be enabled or disabled per forum, so some forums that are more code specific can have the answer with the best code float to the top, while other forums, where discussion and the flow of conversation can be left as is. Additionally, each thread can be re-sorted even if the default isn't one or the other.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Presently, one can either click to open a thread, or click to open particular page.
In long threads, with many pages, it would be useful to have an additional click
choice to take the viewer to "last post". It would be most useful to those who
follow a thread every time a post is added.
While I have joked about the reliability dots, I don't see them as either a
problem or a negative in the Shots forums. When posting a comment
on an image or providing an image, the "reliability" of the poster really
isn't something to be considered. I'm not even sure where reliability
fits in in any way. A person who frequently posts something like "Good
shots. I like #3" can only be relied on to post frequently.
In Gear and Photo Craft, reliability may be a factor. I've purchased
from a seller here, and I did have some concerns about that person's
reliability. I don't think I'd purchase from anyone with no posting
history at DGrin.
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Well, see. A "new" feature already. New to me, anyway. Ta.