Walnut Orb - the fallen femme fatale...

When I went for a look around the garden tonight, my (now) 2 resident walnut orb spiders were both up against their own section of the garden fence. I grabbed a couple hand held of the first, but they were out of focus, but the second female yielded better results.
She was however behind the growing shrubbery and that made thinks a little awkward, so I tried to lean on the fence, but alas and alack, as I banged against the wooden panel, the lady fell downwards!
As luck would have it, she landed (safely) on her back, and as she laid there unmoving (worried me slightly) then that gave me the opportunity to go for the tripod, which I shoved as best I could into the shrubs until I was in as good a spot as I could manage.
This are those, and you can see the strand of web to which she defiantly stayed attached to in the landing shots...
Anyway, she is fine, and within a just few minutes, she was back on her feet, and that allowed me to get a couple of face-on photo's of her too.

She was however behind the growing shrubbery and that made thinks a little awkward, so I tried to lean on the fence, but alas and alack, as I banged against the wooden panel, the lady fell downwards!
As luck would have it, she landed (safely) on her back, and as she laid there unmoving (worried me slightly) then that gave me the opportunity to go for the tripod, which I shoved as best I could into the shrubs until I was in as good a spot as I could manage.
This are those, and you can see the strand of web to which she defiantly stayed attached to in the landing shots...
Anyway, she is fine, and within a just few minutes, she was back on her feet, and that allowed me to get a couple of face-on photo's of her too.

Link to my personal website: http://www.pauliddon.co.uk
Brian V.
She did - and was perfectly still for a while
Link to my personal website: http://www.pauliddon.co.uk
Yes. She did it to punish you!
She forgave me the disturbance, lol..
Link to my personal website: http://www.pauliddon.co.uk