Musician Portriats

I would like some constructive critiques on the photos below. Don't hold back.









David Weiss | Canon 5D Mark III | FujiFilm XT-4 | iPhone
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The first three are good attempts at a more creative portrait but the shadows are the main killer for me.
#4 and #5 are good solid images but don't say musician.
I like that you went into the city - getting a good NY vibe from them. What sort of music? That will make a difference as to whether or not they "work", as you're trying to reflect HIS brand in the shots. Interestingly, at first I saw #3's shadows a US flag - if that ISN'T a vibe you want to incorporate, it might be something to consider (although I love the shadows, as mentioned - and that one is actually my favorite!)
#5 actually looks more like a cinematic actor shot - it could have used some more light in his eyes, but it works as is. I might crop some of hte background; it's a little sharply in focus and "environmental" for my taste, although it might work for him depending on how he plans to use it.
I"d crop #4 in from cam right - the solid graffiti on cam left is more neutral, whereas the CLEAR writing on cam right pulls attention from him a bit.
Thanks Sam. Can you please be more specific? What about the shadows bother you? (just so I can improve)
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Thank you.
The shadows on number 3 are from the fire escape.
He is a folk/rock singer. He performs downtown NYC but also travels to Boston and down south for gigs as well. He started with country music but wants to get away from that so we went with the city look.
Good points on 4.
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I like the shadows in 1-3. My only nit in 3 is it might be good to have his eyes lit up instead of in shadow, or at least have that version as a choice for the client.
The others are more classic portraits, nothing wrong with them but to me not as strong considering the purpose. These are more individual personal shots so they work in that regard.
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