How to display folder and gallery descriptions in new Smugmug?
I can't find the option for this.... In my old smugmug I was able to have the Folder and Gallery descriptions display under the title of each, directly next to the feature photo. This was essential to my preferred way to organize and navigate the site. I described what was in each folder or gallery, without having to click in to the gallery to see the description.
I've been screwing with this for 2 days now trying to find an option to bring them back. I even upgraded my account from Basic to Power just to see if they removed the option for basic users. Now I have a Power account I don't even need and still can't seem to make those darn descriptions come back. So I emailed Smugmug support and they suggested I come ask here, so here I am! Appreciate your help! I assume I'm missing something that's right in front of my nose.
I've been screwing with this for 2 days now trying to find an option to bring them back. I even upgraded my account from Basic to Power just to see if they removed the option for basic users. Now I have a Power account I don't even need and still can't seem to make those darn descriptions come back. So I emailed Smugmug support and they suggested I come ask here, so here I am! Appreciate your help! I assume I'm missing something that's right in front of my nose.
Ah, but the title will trail off if it's more than about 2 or 3 words. I have on average 2-3 sentences that used to appear in addition to the title, prior to opening the gallery. Used to be you'd see a list of your folders and a little description next to it, saying how many albums, how many photos, when it was last modified, etc. And next to albums, you could write a nice informative description. I wish I had taken screenshots before migration. But for example:
[100 photos, last modified 1/1/13]
We went to Hawaii and learned to scuba dive!
Christmas 2011
[100 photos, last modified 1/1/12]
We toured around the country visiting our family and friends!
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
This was a feature that was important to me, too, because it told me what was in the galleries. My naming convention includes a date and a description for each gallery, and those lengths are often too long to fit in the newly configured view. So I have to guess what's in the folder.
I'm not pressing the unveil button until I can show meaningful titles and descriptions with my galleries.
Adding this CSS code allowed the complete gallery name to display.
/* Place Titles on Thumbnails in Folders.
Will wrap the long gallery titles in the grid format. */
.sm-tiles-grid .sm-tile-info p {
padding-left: 24px !important;
padding-right: 0!important;
overflow: visible !important;
white-space:normal !important;
height: auto !important;
Resurrecting an old but I think most pertinent thread...
This is labeled "planned" in the suggestions area (
Any chance there is a (even very vague) time frame attached to that planning?