Homecoming @ Home Studio
So, I set up my green screen and new (to me) Alien AB800 x 2 with 52" Softboxes with an old Sunbeam flash to bounce from the ceiling to give hair lights....
My intention was to shoot my daughter and her bff... but when the sky's opened up with the rain, I got a whole crowd of beautiful young Homecoming Queens squeezing into my cramped little back room studio... Here are the results.. Main at shoulder, camera right 45 degree... Fill at Cam left 45 degree and just above head height pointed down... bounce hair light at camera's 8 o'clock ... It was very cramped or I would have moved lights elsewhere... we're talking a 12x12 room here with a computer desk, bookshelf and a few other small sundries in it...
My Daughter.....


So many more.... here is the gallery link; http://www.prismaticimagery.com/The-Work/Homecoming
My intention was to shoot my daughter and her bff... but when the sky's opened up with the rain, I got a whole crowd of beautiful young Homecoming Queens squeezing into my cramped little back room studio... Here are the results.. Main at shoulder, camera right 45 degree... Fill at Cam left 45 degree and just above head height pointed down... bounce hair light at camera's 8 o'clock ... It was very cramped or I would have moved lights elsewhere... we're talking a 12x12 room here with a computer desk, bookshelf and a few other small sundries in it...
My Daughter.....


So many more.... here is the gallery link; http://www.prismaticimagery.com/The-Work/Homecoming
Lee Wiren
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Most likely it is an artifact from the Green Screen software..... when models stand too close to the green backdrop, it bleeds over and the software corrects this by clipping out the green edges... that can affect loose portions like hair and such.... I will have to go into the shot and heal that area in LR. With the "studio" space being so cramped I was having a hard time having the girls not get too close to the backdrop yet not too close to me.... I was shooting with 24mm, but the tight confines left very little wiggle room for full length shots and having them too close tothe bg.... I didn't try to harp them about it as it was a "fun" night and not supposed to be anything serious.... I was pumping these out to have the girls see them the weekend of the dance and get the couple of Senior Portraits I got the opportunity to do the next day.... when it rains it pours or so they say.
Thank you for pointing that out, i'll have to take the time to fix that.
Was that the only glaring thing.....? Did I miss anything else. I don't know that I could have done too much else with lighting... I guess I could have tried clamshell, but other than that... how do you feel about my lighting? I'm willing to take critique if there is any to be given.... so feel free to fire away. I really did try to pose some of them (i'm weak at posing models), but they were having none of it.