Senior Shoot
Impromptu Senior shoot... Very overcast day, foggy and murky sunlight.. didn't even get to the store for batteries for the flash... not my best, but, bland, gray, foggy NW day with no flash on an old Olympus E-3 that's seen better days..... :dunno

Lee Wiren
#2 I really like the shot especially the edge framing. That outstretched arm bothers me a bit and draws the attention up and away from him. Might be more effective if he was leaning on that elbow.
#3 Is an OK shot. When leaning on hands just have them barely graze the face and not putting weight on the hands as it "smushes up" the face. The sky peeking thru the leaves bothers me a tad, maybe moving camera position a tad to the left would help with the bkg.
4 Is a pet peeve of mine. Why must photographers have people leaning and or hugging a tree!!!!! He is tall and lanky and you helped magnify that doing it full length and then adding a tall tree next to him plus the tree growing out of his head. Perfect framing on that one tree by the way.
All in all there are some nice shots here. The camera, lighting, lens doesn't matter as much as what you have six inches behind the camera, congrats on that.
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.