Finding Album ID & Key with new version of Smugmug?
I use Alpine Photo Tile for Smugmug to embed gallery images in Wordpress. I used to be able to enter the User Album ID & Key from the gallery link to automatically pull the photos. Since upgrading to the new version, I now notice the album key is no longer in the link. Is there any way to retrieve the photos using the Album ID & Keys still?
Theo Civitello - Houston Based Automotive, Wedding & Life Photography
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Gallery RSS Feed" href="/hack/" />
Gallery Atom Feed" href="/hack/" />
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Have a look at the Gallery List tool at - it will generate a full list of gallery links which includes Album IDs and Keys
Oh that's very cool! I didn't know that was there!
So does that mean if I use those generated gallery links they would still work if I moved the gallery to a different place in my site structure?
Looks like you may have just volunteered yourself as a beta-beta tester
OK lets give it a try with this Album:
Gallery Link generator gives me this url:
I'll now move this gallery to:
The original url now gives a 404 Page not found notice but the Gallery Link Generator url still works & takes me to the new location!
Looks like it's working (at least for now :^)...
I love you, I love you, I love you!
I'm al blogger who uses SM for my photo albums, and I was having to go through an arduous 7-step process to get permalinks. Of course the one time I forgot to use the whole process, I had place the gallery in the wrong place and need to move it.
From now on, I have just one extra step - click on this new bookmarked site and copy the URL from there before posting.
I am still peeved at SM for breaking this important feature, but thrilled to have a faster workaround.
Steady on, it's only our first date and I'm not yet ready for that level of commitment!
But seriously, SM could do worse than to incorporate the Smugroom link generator function into New SM in Share > Get a Link, and perhaps in "Organize" as well.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Also, I would strongly recommend to be careful with/not use apps that require you to enter your SmugMug username and password on a site that isn't SmugMug. We have a protocol, oAuth, which allows apps to have display access to SmugMug via a safe and secure manner. You never know if these 3rd party apps that require you to enter your username/password are storing/stealing your information.
We'll be adding gallery links back into the new Share Panel and we're trying to figure out the best way to do that. I'd love to add Permalinks, we just have to do it the right way (and we don't want to include Gallery ID anymore. The Gallery Key should be enough).
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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Photo share. Add an anonymous photo link check box next to the HTML box. photo link).jpg
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What percentage of other SM'ers do you think would use this?
Can you explain why you'd want to hide the link and not use hide owner? Can short links like work?
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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Easy... someone might want to post a nasty complaint with a screenshot to a site like dgrin and not want it coming up on search engine results for their site.
Hide owner is fine if you have a whole gallery you want to link to with no tie back to your site. It's pretty extreme for one picture posted to one forum though, isn't it?
I really don't like judging the merits of feature requests based on the percentage of users that would use them. I know you are slowly and quietly taking away features that might confuse the masses, but a lot of us spend a lot of time using features that a million other users might not know exists. That doesn't make them bad ideas.
exposing site, gallery and path to gallery.
In the past 11 years on Dgrin I've seen many posts wanting to post on a forum, etc. and not
expose their site. Some folks like to share photos but don't want viewers crawling their site.
Shared photos are probably from public, unlisted or passworded galleries. All those except unlisted
show site and full path. Unlisted just exposes site.
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Just like everything we do in life, there's finite resources that have to be spent wisely. It's not a question of "is this a good or a bad idea" but a question of whether or not the efforts of our resources are best spent working on something 1 customer will use or working on something that all of our users will use. There are so many amazing ideas here on dgrin and on the Feedback Forums that we'd love to work on but we have we want to focus our resources on items that will benefit as many of you as possible. You trust us with your precious memories and we have no intention of being yet another photography company to run themselves out of business.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: Redirects to this with site name and path.
Try this
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I think you are underestimating the percentage of uses that would use this. People have developed work arounds that are now habit. Give them the feature and they will use it.
Your suggested work around is worrisome, it indicates you don't fully understand the desired outcome.
Yes, I completely understood that expanding the URL could expose the URL, but that also means that someone's going to be looking at your source code and then actively taking that and putting it in their address bar to expand it. Sure, it's possible and yes, it's not actually anonymous, but it's mostly hiding the photo.
I guess I'm having a hard time understanding why you'd want a gallery that is public to all of a sudden have a hidden link, and why a hide owner gallery wouldn't work. I'm more than happy to consider it but remember, there's thousands of feature requests, plus the things that we want to work on, so I'm just trying to understand (and also explain) where the priority for this should be.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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anonymous check block for a photo.
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Two others have already stated the reasoning why people want this. I'll add my version.
I use SM to share photos with the people I wish. Because I want things to be simple for them, I don't lock down everything. Because these are my friends and I am proud of my photos, I don't have any reason to hide the owner of most of my galleries.
But I'm very careful to avoid unwanted attention too. So I have galleries that are Public by SM's definition that I'm trying to avoid having uninvited folks snoop around in. Yes, I know it's possible for anyone to come in. But I dont want to advertise it by giving them a link.
So I would like an easily obtainable anonymous link for a photo in a Public gallery when I want to post it online quickly. Yeah, I can put a copy in a gallery where the owner is hidden like others do. It just seems I shouldn't have to. Having the option on the Share a Link box would be the solution for people like us and it would not impact anyone else.
Thanks for listening.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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I use the very old random photo hack to choose a random photo from a gallery and that needs both the gallery id and key. It would be awesome if you could add this hack directly in the share panel.
Here's an example of the code to pull random photos from the gallery
You can see it in use in the sidebar of my blog under the heading "GLIMPSES, WANDERING...".
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Interesting. I didn't even know this existed. I'm trying to look into how frequently this is used - though the count will probably be a bit skewed since most people don't even know it exists. The hard part would be to figure out where to put it. Ideally you'd have "Random Gallery Photo" with some kind of "size" selector. And then it would give you the URL for it in a textbox like we do with the "Photo" tab. Would you want Photo Only / HTML / BBCode for it as well?
Is it weird that you'd have to go to the gallery, open any photo, click on its share button, then find the gallery random link somewhere in there? It's probably OK.
I'd imagine the "Cart" tab would have to be changed to something like "More" (or "Other"). In there we could have Cart Link. Random Gallery Photo link. And maybe move the EMail link out of "Social" and into "More"?
If we did this, we'd update the random photo url to use the ImageKey instead of the ImageID. We're trying to get away from using ImageID. It's a dying item.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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Why not create a widget rather then something to go into a html widget? Not many know html.
Or add to the single photo or multiple photo widget?
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