Samsung S7/S7 Edge Photos

Jeffrey962Jeffrey962 Registered Users Posts: 9 Big grins
edited April 15, 2016 in SmugMug Support
Hi all,

Anyone else have an issue uploading photos from the newly released Samsung phones (S7 or S7 Edge)? I get "unknown file type" every time. I've found that I can batch upload these through Google's (now defunct) Picasa, batch download them, and then they upload fine. But pictures right out of my phone that were synced through Dropbox will not upload. They are JPG format, and I've tried all kinds of file name changes. Even the simplest name format ("abc.jpg") will not work.

Samsung and Smugmug not playing not playing nice together, and it's making uploads such a drag. :-/ Anyone have a similar experience?


  • JhitesmaJhitesma Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited March 13, 2016
    Having the same problem. I noticed that if I used the google camera app to take a photosphere then it got uploaded no problem by the smug app, and a video taken with the Samsung camera got uploaded no problem.

    But photos taken with either the Smugmug or Google camera app are giving the "unknown file type" when I try to upload them directly or just silently failing when the app tries to upload them.

    I sent a support e-mail about it with a sample photo, but haven't heard anything (not even a "hey we got your message and are looking into it") back. Though it was Friday night when I sent it so maybe it's not a high priority over the weekend.
  • FatOldOwlFatOldOwl Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited March 15, 2016
    I emailed support yesterday afternoon and got this response:

    "This is a known bug that our engineers are currently working on. We do not have an ETA as to when this will be resolved but rest assured they are diligently working on this."

    So hopefully they'll have it fixed in the near future!
  • nwardripnwardrip Registered Users Posts: 5 Big grins
    edited April 3, 2016
    Seeing the same issue with my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. Would be nice to not have to re-encode...
  • Jeffrey962Jeffrey962 Registered Users Posts: 9 Big grins
    edited April 14, 2016
    I wonder if it has something to do with the file size. The new Samsung takes ENORMOUS pictures. It seemed that most did not upload, but some did. And the ones that did were a smaller file size. I haven't done much further troubleshooting, but might be something to try...
  • rnrjoshrnrjosh Registered Users Posts: 266 Major grins
    edited April 15, 2016
    We have seen some reports from Galaxy S7 users reporting similar issues. The problem appears to be due to a small amount of corruption, or some type of improper JPG info in (at least some of) those files that caused SmugMug's image processing to have problems processing those images. We have rolled out a fix that should address and resolve that problem, so you might simply try uploading some photos from your S7 phone today, and see if you still get the same error in the uploader. If you are still seeing that same error, please drop us a line at and try attaching one or two of the photos that you can't get to upload to your email. We can take a closer look from there.
    SmugMug Support Hero
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