lightroom plugin

alaiosalaios Registered Users Posts: 668 Major grins
edited May 4, 2016 in SmugMug Support
Hi all
I am using lightroom plugin to share photos with my clients fast through the galleries I create
Some questions
1. How good is the exported quality
2. How I can resize all photos that I am being uploaded for my clients?
3. How I can rename those files so my client does not see my camera file names?
I guess it should be somehow easy to control these three things from the the plugin.

I would like to thank you in advance for your help


  • FergusonFerguson Registered Users Posts: 1,345 Major grins
    edited April 22, 2016
    alaios wrote: »
    1. How good is the exported quality
    Generally the simple thing to do is upload the full resolution and high quality, and then control what quality is shown to the users on Smugmug.
    alaios wrote: »
    2. How I can resize all photos that I am being uploaded for my clients?
    As mentioned, generally you can control this in the gallery settings on Smugmug, e.g. maximum display size. But it is possible, see below; just probably not a good idea.

    Note you have separate control over whether clients can download (directly, obviously anything seen on a screen can be downloaded), and whether you want watermarks on what is displayed to help render them less useful if screen-scraped (allowing a low resolution display also helps but not much with social media folks).
    alaios wrote: »
    3. How I can rename those files so my client does not see my camera file names?
    I guess it should be somehow easy to control these three things from the the plugin.

    Just right click on the plugin under the publishing pane, go to the settings, and you'll see file renaming options. You can there set something like title or caption or lots of options based on metadata.

    You will also see there options to control size. If you REALLY want to not upload full size, you can set it there, but then it is difficult to sell prints from Smugmug as SM won't have the full size print available to send to the lab.
  • alaiosalaios Registered Users Posts: 668 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2016
    Ferguson wrote: »
    Generally the simple thing to do is upload the full resolution and high quality, and then control what quality is shown to the users on Smugmug.

    so if I just drag and drop them in the lightroom gallery they will be automatically uploaded at higher resolution?

    As mentioned, generally you can control this in the gallery settings on Smugmug, e.g. maximum display size. But it is possible, see below; just probably not a good idea.

    Note you have separate control over whether clients can download (directly, obviously anything seen on a screen can be downloaded), and whether you want watermarks on what is displayed to help render them less useful if screen-scraped (allowing a low resolution display also helps but not much with social media folks).
    ACtually I want to share with my clients images with a resolution lets say of around 3000 pixels and not the full 24Mpixels pixels. How I can pick an option from the XLarge or the XLarge2? When client press the download button what it downloads in terms of size?
  • VivPixVivPix Registered Users Posts: 62 Big grins
    edited April 26, 2016
    alaios wrote: »
    so if I just drag and drop them in the lightroom gallery they will be automatically uploaded at higher resolution?

    Once you add the images to the export collection in LR, you will need to click the publish button to start the process of sending them to SmugMug. This will use the configuration of the publish wizard, which could be full size or it could be resized down to a given dimension.
    alaios wrote: »
    ACtually I want to share with my clients images with a resolution lets say of around 3000 pixels and not the full 24Mpixels pixels. How I can pick an option from the XLarge or the XLarge2? When client press the download button what it downloads in terms of size?

    Our current set of sizes stop at Xlarge3, which as you can see on this help page is approximately 1600x1200. The next step up from that is Original. So if you want to give your clients an image around 3000 px you will need to resize your photos to that dimension and allow originals to be downloaded. There is a control on the LightRoom publish screen to resize images to 3000px on the longest side. (more info on LR uploading here.)

    SmugMug Hero
  • alaiosalaios Registered Users Posts: 668 Major grins
    edited April 26, 2016
    VivPix wrote: »
    Once you add the images to the export collection in LR, you will need to click the publish button to start the process of sending them to SmugMug. This will use the configuration of the publish wizard, which could be full size or it could be resized down to a given dimension.

    great for answering me. Can you elaborare bit more on what you mean by publish wizard?
  • VivPixVivPix Registered Users Posts: 62 Big grins
    edited April 27, 2016
    Hi Alex,

    Yes, the publish wizard is actually called the "Lightroom PUblishing Manager". It looks like this.

    There you will find a section titled "Image Sizing" where you can set the size to "resize to fit". When you export the images to SmugMug they will be exporting using these settings.

    SmugMug Hero
  • alaiosalaios Registered Users Posts: 668 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2016
    VivPix wrote: »
    Hi Alex,

    Yes, the publish wizard is actually called the "Lightroom PUblishing Manager". It looks like this.

    There you will find a section titled "Image Sizing" where you can set the size to "resize to fit". When you export the images to SmugMug they will be exporting using these settings.

    so then there I can set my max resolution to jpegs.. and then share all my images with clients with the images at "original" size (that would be a resized version).
    Do I get this right?
  • alaiosalaios Registered Users Posts: 668 Major grins
    edited May 4, 2016
    I was not able to configure file renamind and only copyright info on metadata. I am getting a message that this would disable any synching options I have. would it be able to fix then my smugmug online any photos that is being downloaded does not have the original file name?
  • FergusonFerguson Registered Users Posts: 1,345 Major grins
    edited May 4, 2016
    I can't parse most of that, but I think the original file name can be sent, but you can't change it by a republish you have to delete and resend.
  • alaiosalaios Registered Users Posts: 668 Major grins
    edited May 4, 2016
    I meant that if you select file remaining and remove the metadata I get an error message "smugmug plugin would not be able to further track changes I do on my images"
  • FergusonFerguson Registered Users Posts: 1,345 Major grins
    edited May 4, 2016
    I assume that you referring to the "File Naming" section of the smugmug plugin? But I do not understand what that has to do with metadata. Is that the metadata section at the bottom of the smugmug publishing plugin page? The two are not related, really (well, they relate to publishing but they are not directly connected for any given photo).

    Alternatively are you referring to the file renaming option in Lightroom itself, to remain the original file? (Not sure that has anything to do with the plugin either though).

    If perhaps you are calling the replacement tokens in the Smugmug Plugin File Naming section as metadata -- you should not remove all of those, but choose how you want new files sent to Smugmug to be named. If you don't want the file renamed, uncheck the box.

    I realize there may be a language issue, and apologize if I am being dense, but can you perhaps use a few more words, or a screen shot or something to help identify what you are asking?
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