I can not remove the watermarks from an old gallery that was transferred over to my New SmugMug design - the watermarks were originally added through the Old Smugmug design...
Can these be deleted?
I can not remove the watermarks from an old gallery that was transferred over to my New SmugMug design - the watermarks were originally added through the Old Smugmug design...
Can these be deleted?
Just to eliminate an unlikely possibility ... just check that these photos did not load with a watermark already added to them.
Try adding another generic watermark to them and see if you now have TWO watermarks.
This is exactly the situation that was raised by another member some time ago - and it turned out that they had already added the watermark for this one gallery and had forgotten that they had (because they very rarely ever did that)
To add on to AceCo55's suggestion, there shouldn't be a need to add another watermark. Instead, open the Original image and check for a watermark there. SmugMug doesn't watermark our originals - if you find a watermark on an original it came from the uploaded photo.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com