Post from URL?

I have tried to post a new image from an URL. When I right-click in the embed URL space the input field disappears and will not allow me to input the URL.
I have tried to post a new image from an URL. When I right-click in the embed URL space the input field disappears and will not allow me to input the URL.
I assume you're right clicking because you want to paste in a URL. I am able to do this, just checked in two different browsers.
This is a long shot, but have you tried a different browser? You might also try clearing the browser cache.
Musings & ramblings at
I'm seeing the same problem in FireFox/Win. It started a day or two ago. Chrome seems to work normally.
What browser are you using?
Interesting. It's working for me on Windows in both Chrome and Firefox.
Musings & ramblings at
I'm using FireFox and Windows 10. The problem just started for me as far as I know. Let me try a different browser and I'll get back.
Hmmm! Seems to be a browser problem. Seems to work with Edge.
I have reported the problem to Vanilla. In the meantime, I realized that there is an easy work-around in Firefox. The popup disappears when you right-click on it to paste the URL. However, the text area for pasting the URL already has the cursor in it when it opens. So you can just hit Ctl-v to paste. No need to use the mouse at all.

It's actually faster that way,