Egret at Bolsa Chica

in Wildlife
Missed it by that much.....
Got it.
Missed it by that much.....
Got it.
Egret came out nice....but background getting you here a bit.....too many distractions...
Do you mean any particular thing about that peninsula? Or just it's being there and it'd be a better pic with just water in the background?
Still lovely captures......yeah clearer background would be better.....but you probably couldn't do anything about it. Cheers!
Yeah. Blasted birds won't listen to direction.
"Could you move 20 feet that way and turn around?" Utterly inconsiderate.
Happens all the time in this lark, with me too ... even worse in some situations as there are nesting areas with perspex sides inscribed with websites etc, set up on the lakes. .
Judging by the pics, you'd need a cherry picker or similar, to get high enough to have only water in the bg - and it'd then be a totally different shot imo.
I'd look for a location at the venue that has a decent bg, lets me set up at water level there and wait / hope that something happened... otherwise I just don't bother, because I know I'll invariably dump the pics.