Canon 5DS

Good morning. Anyone have any experience with the Canon 5DS? I just bought it. For architecture and studio work, everything I have read said that this was what the camera excels at and architecture is what I get paid for. Haven't really had a chance to truly put it through its paces yet but the images I have seen have been incredible. The camera is built for a tripod and that's perfect for me. Now, I have the Mark iii and the 5DS. I love that the menu system is pretty much exactly like the Mark iii made setting it up like I wanted pretty easy. I am doing a shoot in a museum on the 30th and I can really try it out then. I took this last weekend. Can't wait for a nice day to see what I can do. Anyone have any experience with this camera? Won't let me insert an image so I'll just insert the link here.
Thanks and Happy Holidays
And of course,
Congratulations on your purchase!
Architectural, studio, landscape and some portraiture, are all good photographic pursuits for the Canon EOS 5DS and 5DS R models. Be prepared to invest in great glass, unless you already have great glass, as the high pixel count shows lens weaknesses.
No, I don't have either the 5DS or 5DS R.
I believe that we have 2 DGrinners with first-hand experience:
Users "jmphotocraft" and "Nikolai" have/had them, and I believe there was one other user as well ... Hopefully they will chime in.
Edit: User "macwest" was another.
A couple links to threads:
Again, congrats and I am a little envious.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
EDIT: ...I have the 5DsR
LOVE this camera. Love the VF, Love the results and love the menu system and love the colour.
DR is better than my previous5D model but deep shadows will show noise if you lift them too much, but just bracket and do HDR in Lightroom works very well for this for natural results. ( I've tried all the other HDR programs and it's hard to beat Lightroom for a natural HDR )
main point to watch out for is if you were previously used to stopping down beyond f8 (you were fine with f11 or f16 at a push with previous 5D series) now your limit is f9.5 before diffraction becomes obvious , assuming you're pixel peeping of course.
I> @I Simonius said:
I have yet to get out with this camera and really try it however, I am hoping this weekend if it doesn't snow. I bought it for all the reasons Ziggy just mentioned. I have good glass but it may not be good enough according to Canon. I'll have to see when I get out there.
And of course,
actually according to other posts it says that whatever glass you have the 5DsR (or the 5Ds) will make it look better than it did with previous cameras- the trick really is to use the optimum f-stop for the lens
Depending on what you shoot( and whether you want a narrower or deeper f-stop ofr not) , using f5.6 on most lenses will get you pretty amazing g results from the 5Ds cameras
e.g. the humble 50m f1.4
If you have any of the latest IS lenses you won't even need a tripod in good light, as long as you give enough time for the IS to fully kick in. I have handheld shots from my 16-35f4L which allow me to zoom in to the most tiny part and still get great detail, MUCH mote than I could wit previous cameras.
It did take me a while to get the hang of a few features though- I had to actually read the manual!!
I have all the "L" lenses. Albeit, not the newest ones. 16-35mm ii USM, 24-105 and the 70-200 IS USM II. The latter is the newest lens I have. I would expect some degree of improved clarity using those lenses with the 5DS. I really only plan to use this camera on a tripod to maximize the sharpness. Mainly for architecture work and landscapes.
And of course,
you probably won't get improved 'clarity' if by that you mean 'acuity'. What you will get is much bigger files and the ability to print huge(er)
it's the ability to zoom in and keep getting detail where it excels
User "I Simonius" is correct in pointing out that stopping down a lens' aperture to the "sweet spot" positions for sharpness/acuity you can improve on the wide-open aperture.
If you often/always feel compelled to stop down the lens to use it with a Canon 5DS/5DS-R then you are likely ready for a lens which has higher sharpness/acuity even wide open. That's what I meant by my "... the high pixel count shows lens weaknesses" statement.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
I should be OK in the regard, hopefully. No other way to find out than to get out and use it.
And of course,
I think if you have all 'L' lenses as you say then you'll be good to go though if you're looking for an excuse to get a new lens then architectural photography just calls out for one of the new TS_E lenses (Tilt-shift)
I have all L lenses. I think I'll be OK. After my limited use with the camera, the results were pretty stunning. Tomorrow I'll get a better idea.
And of course,
Good morning. So I had my first real day to really use the 5ds extensively last Saturday (the 30th). The photos were incredibly detailed. I used the Fine Detail setting and the landscape setting. I switched back and fourth between the 16-35mm USM ii and the older 24-105 IS USM. I used a tripod of course. mirror lockup and set the shutter delay to two seconds. They loved the photos and asked if they could use them for PR and the web. I said you could use them for the web but print was a bit much since there is no pay involved here. Since I was going anyway to take photos and they waived the $75 dollar fee for photos with a tripod I said OK. They added lighting on the ceiling since the last time I was there and since it was so dark in the museum I had to do long exposures so the lighting is a bit harsh because of it. I didn't really love the photos because of it although the color is really nice. They loved them though. Excellent camera, all I can say and works well with the Mark III. I was switching back and fourth to compare. I am looking forward to getting more architectural work in the Spring, this camera is perfect for it. Definitely a worthy purchase. Now of course, I need to upgrade my lenses. Shaking head, it never ends.
And of course,
William, whilst the pic wasn't taken with your new cam ... I'd suggest you consider changing the title of your 'swimming duck' pic to one that indicates what it is ... a mute swan.
I''d also recommend trying ... if you return to venue ... a much lower pov next time
They loved these shots. I gave them to the museum. And yes, I took that with the new camera. I am not sure what you are talking about.
And of course,
I really love it. If you keep it stable, you'll get some really nice photos.
Another museum. This one in Madison NJ. I gave these the photos to them, they are making a brochure with htem.
And of course,
I believe that Paul was scanning through your Photostream and came upon this image:
At this page:
Paul is just giving you a little ribbing because your caption reads: "Swimming Duck - Zoo in Canada".
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
I decided to have a shufties at the results from one of these new fangled beasts (5DS) ... and decided to undertake a quick trawl to see if there were any w/life pics taken with it ... and was surprised to see the title associated with the swan pic ... no more, no less.
For architecture and studio work, Canon 5DS is great. It's not so great in low light, but the rest is medium format size!
Canon 5DIV | Canon EF 35 f1.4 L II | Canon 24-70 f2.8 L II | Canon 70-200 f2.8 L II IS | Canon 16-35 f4 L IS
I can agree with that. Excellent for stills.
And of course,
I've had one since its release. It does take some getting used to when compared with the 5dii. One of the benefits of using this camera is the ability to crop without losing image quality. Landscape colors are really accurate. Food photography is really incredible and uou'll be extremely happy with your purchase.
I definitely love it. I can't wait for the Spring so I can take it outside for some landscapes. However, I the results I have seen so far have really impressed me.
And of course,