Apple Mojave Safari 12.0 site navigation errors - Solved
I've had a the occasional glitch with Safari over the past few months but now with the upgrade to Mojave complete, logging into to Smugmug works fine, but I have a problem with the Organiser. If I click a folder on the left, I get an error message which states:
"meta": {
"stat": "fail",
"method": "rpc.organizer.getnodesbypath",
"cache": true
"results": {
"code": 1,
"message": "invalid login"
I'm unable to open the folder (or any folder) to go any further. Pop-ups are allowed on the site which works fine in Chrome so I still have access but is there a workaround for this for Safari?
"meta": {
"stat": "fail",
"method": "rpc.organizer.getnodesbypath",
"cache": true
"results": {
"code": 1,
"message": "invalid login"
I'm unable to open the folder (or any folder) to go any further. Pop-ups are allowed on the site which works fine in Chrome so I still have access but is there a workaround for this for Safari?
Have you tried clearing the cache or cookies recently to see if setting a new one clears out the error?
Are you using a custom domain?
Safari is making things difficult for users with custom domains. Apple is doing great things to keep your information private but it means things are very hard for sites like SmugMug who do things on your behalf
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
On the help desk we have been suggesting the following steps and they have been helping most users.
1) Log out of SmugMug
2) Clear Safari's History (Safari > Clear History > All Time)
3) Quit and relaunch Safari
4) Login from normally.
SmugMug Support Hero
Thats worked perfectly and solved the problem. Thread marked as 'solved'.
This helped me solve a problem under OS X Mojave and Safari 12.0 where I could log in, but couldn't see any unlisted galleries.
I didn't have to delete all my history – just Smugmug's data. (This way you don't have to go back and log back into every website.)
My suggestion would be to replace #2 above with:
Go to Preferences > Privacy > Manage Website Data, and search for
Click "Remove" rather than "Remove all."
I didn't even relaunch Safari, but did log back into (rather than my custom subdomain).
Thanks again!
I observed the same error and clean up the safari history solves the problem temporarily.
As the problem may come back to Safari, I noticed that selecting "Safari / Setting for this website" and disabling the content blocker for smugmug allowed me to use Safari again. Until when ? We'll see.
Happy New Year to all the team