New: "Commerce Focused Lightbox" Option will help you sell more

In conjuncture with the new Lightbox, we want to help our Pro's sell more photos: you can now display your products in the Lightbox as soon as it launches. Enable "Commerce Focused Lightbox" in your gallery settings to take advantage of this.
The new setting, entitled Commerce Focused Lightbox
can be found in the "Shopping" section of your Gallery Settings:
When enabled, whenever you or a visitor opens a photo in the Lightbox, the shopping categories will already be displayed, as if the viewer pressed the "Buy" button. This calls attention to the fact that your photos are available for sale.
For now, this setting defaults to "OFF" and must be enabled for each gallery. You can use Bulk Settings to apply this to specific galleries or all your galleries in your account. You can also create a new Quick Setting with this enabled, if you choose.
This is only available to customers on the Portfolio or Pro (formerly the "Business") plans.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
How do you limit the products types on sale when using this feature? It seems to display every type, ignoring my previously defined pricelists.
As the owner you'll always be able to purchase all of the items but your visitors will only see the items defined in your pricelist.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Thank you for this. It looks great on desktop, but on mobile, I would prefer it to not default to the Buy Photo page but rather to the photo. On the mobile the Buy Photo link at the bottom is pretty big and good. Is that doable?
What does everybody else think? Do mobile users never click on the lightbox view anyway and just scroll through the gallery? So when they do click on a photo, it is better to show them the commerce view?
Cool! I sort of wish this was a sitewide setting, or pricelist setting, or something....
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