RESULTS Mini Challenge #298- Look up!

Thanks to all who contributed this month!
As moderator for this month's Mini, I thought I would go into depth on how I observed these images. Granted some of them would be better under different light but for those of us who travel a lot, it makes it difficult to carry out in practice.
I am making the following comments based on my own artistic interpretations and amateurish thought process. Please don't read too much into my comments :-)
Chapel of the Holy Cross- Lovely subject and composition. The whole scene would really shine if it was taken with softer light in the morning or evening (depending on which way the sun was pointing)
Apache Trail - Again super composition. The clouds help a bit but the light still a bit harsh on the landscape. I would love to visit there in the future just based on this shot.
Fireworks- Awesome image with the colors of the red smoke pluming up....good stuff.
Cathedral of the Spilt Blood- I am a sucker for a good cathedral ceiling. The lighting on this one is splendid.
Sunshine through Birch Trees- The exposure is spot on. Bringing out the shadows on the birch gave it enough interest for a second look.
Pecker Peckin'- While I like the far left image, I think pulling it slightly to the right (not much). But that's just me.
Pyramid at the Louvre- Fine choice for a B&W image. The light and shadows makes for a terrific composition.
Salzburg Cathedral- Captivating image. What a beautiful word of art. I would have used a slight graduated filter and brought up the right side exposure a bit but that is just my OCD talking.
Looking up the trunk of a cherry tree- What really brings this one together is the pink background of the upper flowers. Nice alternative view.
Awesome balloon image. The color and the clouds are just perfect.
Lundy Lake Aspens- The blue and gold in this image really pops. Must have been a real nice day.
Looking up to talk to the squirrel- I wonder what the conversation was all about. Makes for a funny and cool image.
Literal yes but still in the spirit of the theme :-) I can only imagine what she is looking at. Nice one.
The first image immediately made me look twice. The lines from the light mirrored in the window really draws the eye in.
The second image is a bit confusing to know what the subject is but the way it is set up it appears to be the cloud. Taking a few steps back may have helped if it didn't involve falling off a cliff :-)
The third image of the bleak tree with the broken top makes me feel like it is the middle of winter during a pandemic. LOL
High Voltage- Nice use of diagonal lines and a hint of green color from the insulators.
Dancing Trees- Yes indeed...almost disco.
Èglise Saint Jaques de Liège- Impressive Ceiling and terrific exposure.
Fire breather-Wow what a super image. The subject matter is wonderful and the exposure is near-perfect.
Trees- Almost painterly with nice low horizon lighting peaking through. Well done.
New growth- Lighting on the sprig brings the eyes in. Good sense of space as well.
Trifecta- Even though there are multiple subjects this still works. I don't know why but it just does :-)
Baby Racoons- Too bad all three weren't in focus. The composition is cool.
Balloon and moon- This is a great shot. I would love to see it in a higher resolution version hanging on a wall.
Daffodils- Reminds me of being a kid, laying on my back, looking at the clouds. Nicely composed.
Hellelborus-The composition and subject matter are a notch above the daffodils. The exposure is well-considered.
Decay-Super minimalistic shot. Seems like there is a paradox of decay and new life in the image.
US Capitol building- I Love the Capitol architecture to begin with. This image is a superb interpretation of the dome.
Looking up at the Rotunda- Shooting up into a dome always reminds me of an eyeball when shot eccentrically like this. Pretty cool.
Butterfly on Flower- Clearly an ant's view. Nice perspective.
Inside Piney Point Lighthouse- Another one of my personal loves is all things lighthouses. Very cool walk up the stairs inside the structure itself.
Outside- Small than I thought :-)
Top of Ragged Point Lighthouse- This one has seen better days :-(
Cape Hatteras- A bit dark exposure wise but a beautiful LH nonetheless.
Under the bridge-yeah without your interpretation, I would have had a hard time figuring that one out :-)
Moon and Clouds- Awesome mood and composition The colors from the clouds have a nice somber tone to them.
Leopard in a Tree- The gazing stare of the big cat is splendid. Great use of monotone.
In third spot
Second place
And in first place along with honor of next month's challenge coordinator
@dlscott56 and the amazing fire breather!
Thank you Third_Son for you thoughtful remarks. Wonderful images all.
Awesome Fire breathing Image, Congratulations.
Thank for your kind words, @Third_Son, and a unique challenge! Congratulations to @dlscott56 on the first place and @RalphMoon on the image taking third place! I enjoyed seeing all of the entries.
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Thank you for the interesting mini and for running it so well
Nice job well done good picks not easy
Thank you @Third_Son for a great run of a challenge and for your attention to details in comments! Great choices for the placing too! Congrats to @dlscott56 for the first place win and to the runner ups @sapphire73 and @RalphMoon for your placings. I look forward to the see what you can come up with for the next challenge @dlscott56 .
Thank you @Third_Son for a great mini. There were lots of interesting and thoughtful images, and you made great remarks on the images. Congratulations to @dlscott56 for first place, and @sapphire73 and @RalphMoon for second and third. Looking forward to the next challenge!
Dave Gillespie
Congratulations to @discott56 for a spectacular shot! And thanks for well-run mini and comments @Third_Son
Book 2:
Congrats to @dlscott56 for the great shots and the win and to @sapphire73 and @RalphMoon for their fine shots for 2nd and 3rd. @Third_Son thanks so much for taking the time to make detailed comments on every entry.
Thanks! Just saw this. Will post later today.
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Congrats to @dlscott56 for a great and deserved win and to @sapphire73 and @RalphMoon for 2nd and 3rd place. @Third_Son, thanks for another great mini and thanks for all the detailed comments. Good job!
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So, first of all, thanks so much for picking my image. This was a lot of fun to take. My wife and I were watching the performer and I, of course, was snapping up photos. I had plenty of time during the performance to fine tune my exposure for the fire. Once I had that done I waited for him to get the flame near his face to put a splash of light on it. Finished up with a little Lightroom work. Next challenge will be up shortly. I was going to get it done yesterday but got sidetracked. Sorry about that.
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Great mini @Third_Son & congrats to @dlscott56 for the win, great shot! Really good different theme & great commenting!
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .