RESULTS: Mini Challenge # 301: Vacation

Thanks to all for participating in this mini-challenge. The entries had a great diversity (as expected), so judging wasn't all that easy. But I finally just went by my first impressions and chose a winner that "spoke to me"
First some comments on the entries:
@JAG , you go to nice locations, I especially like the second with the croc, a bit more out of the ordinary. I assume you didn't get much closer
@Cavalier , How the first two make we want the US SW again. I've never been to Arches but I have been to Painted Desert/Petrified Forest. Beautiful colours in these two shots
@dlscott56 , nice diverse set, the first with the focus on the pebbles is special, the second just oozes vacation joy and the third is an iconic place that everybody wants to see and shoot once in their life (been there/done that).
@grandmaR , spledid stories of the travels with your grandchildren, and three great photo's. I especially like the third because the person is anonimous to the viewer (except your family maybe) but still very important in the photo
@Lab_Tested , nice series, your son stands proud next to the plane as if he actually piloted and landed it there himself , The first is nice, you can see the adventure in his eyes and the third is indeed "fun"
@DavidRGillespie , great views, all of them, and the rainbow in the third is a real bonus
@sarasphotos , I knew you would come up with some great vacation shots and you didn't dissapoint , the reflection in the guard's harnass is well seen and the B&W alleyway is also a very nice shot
Given the relatively small number of entries combined with the general very high standard of photo's submitted I'm only going to announce a winner and no 2nd/3rd place or HM's. You can consider you all got a HM
And the winner is:
3. Photographing thermal features in Yellowstone
The iconic backdrop of a well known park smartly combined with a person on the photo enjoying the scenery for brings together the spirit of vacation and is the winner of this mini.
Congrats grandmaR, and looking forward to what you can bring us for the next mini.
My SmugMug
Conratulations @grandmaR ! Great shot of Yellowstone thermals. Looking forward to the next mini. And thanks Pieter for your comments.
Book 2:
Oh wow. There were so many excellent photos that I am surprised to have won. I was engaged in writing up that trip (which occurred in 2010) when I was picking photos for the mini A large number of the thermal features are photos taken by my grandson.
I have an idea for another mini, so I'll get that up later today.
nice work in picking a winner @pegelli , I will let you get away this time with just the winner, mainly because she already has a challenge up. But I want to make sure that the rules get followed in the future about picking the top 3, to avoid any possible issues of the winner not being able to run the next challenge. That said, Kudos to @grandmaR for a great entry!
@pegelli Thanks for the nice comments, Pieter and congrats to @grandmaR for the well-deserved win. I loved that shot.
Congrats @grandmaR ! Awesome shots.
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