Mini-challenge #305: Revisit

sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator
edited September 10, 2020 in The Dgrin Challenges

Is there a place you would like to revisit? A favorite place you have visited several times or just once before? Or a place where you did a photo shoot that you would like to revisit, trying a different technique or hoping for better conditions or wildlife sightings? I am trying to keep this broad to allow for some fun, virtual travel! (But this should be a place - not a time - that you would like to revisit or do again.)

In addition to giving each entry a title, please tell us (briefly) why you would like to revisit each place. I am hoping that people will also feel free to discuss the images during the challenge.

This mini-challenge will run for two weeks, ending Wednesday, September 23, 2020 at 8 pm EST. Looking forward to seeing some of the places you look forward to visiting again!

(If you want to check out all of the unofficial rules and guidelines, see the Unofficial Guidelines and Rules.)

Here are a few examples to get you started:

1) Cornwall near Tintagel, England
We were here for a short stay last September, and I would love to spend more time here at some point. Photo taken with cell phone.

2) Mount Denali in Alaska, USA
We had a glimpse of the mountain, but I would to revisit this part of the world and hope for a clear day!

3) Blea Tarn in the Lake District, England
I have visited this tarn on three occasions now. Hope to visit again - earlier in the morning perhaps - and hope for calmer water and better reflections. But it is still lovely place to visit.

4) Pennypack Watershed in Pennsylvania, USA
This nature preserve is near my home but it has been several months since I have walked there. Looking forward to walking those trails again sometime soon!

5) Sharing a Peaceful Moment in the Lake District, England
When we visit the Lake District, we like to drive through the Wrynose Pass and Hardknott Pass and breathe in the peaceful beauty of this part of the world. We hope to return sometime soon(ish).


  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator

    Oooo! This should be interesting!

    1 Arizona - I recently (last November) had the opportunity to travel in an RV in Arizona. My favorite stop was the 3 day camping at Grand Canyon. In those 3 days, we saw the canyon in bright warm sunshine, cold wet and foggy day as well as snowy. A perfect trio for our short stay. I would like to go back and take a longer time to actually drive all the way around the canyon.

    2 Italy - I had the opportunity in 011, to go on a 28 day cruise through the Mediterranean, as well as an ocean crossing back home. In Italy, we went to Rome and after 8 hours of walking around Rome, we vowed to come back to Italy to see the rest of the country also. Not sure if it will ever happen, but I really would love to go back!

    3 Tortola, British Virgin Islands (The Bathes) - Had a brief one day journey there and fell in love with the whole island. This is where I would want to live out my days if it were possible.

  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator

    Joyce, thank you for getting us started with some beautiful vistas and why you would like to go back someday!

  • CavalierCavalier Registered Users Posts: 3,080 Major grins

    What a fun mini Gretchen. Here are mine:

    1) The Palouse area of Washington state (western border with Idaho). Not only was it the last road trip with my late husband, it's an area that we were both enthralled with. We visited the area in May as the Wheat and Canola fields were being primed and just being planted. The area was almost overwhelmingly expansive and gorgeous, and I could have used a wide-angle lens or two! There are two trips I want to do back in the Palouse - summer for the beautiful full fields of green and yellow and and then in fall for shots of the expansive harvest. You might think that farm lands aren't that interesting - but the Palouse rolling Loess hills are magical.
    This is a shot looking west from Steptoe Butte which allows for a 360 view of the area. It gives an idea of the expanse, but not really the beauty.

    I'm throwing this in just to show the beauty of the wheat and canola fields - not for the mini entry.

    2) Monument Valley, Arizona/Utah border. I was last there in 2006 - a road trip with my handy-dandy first digital camera - Canon Rebel, but without any lenses other than the 18-35. For the last 14 years, have wanted to revisit with better equipment and more experience under my belt.

    3) And Yellowstone National Park. We visited there twice, but with the equipment I have now I'd like to revisit for better wildlife shots (buffalo are my favorite life in Yellowstone) and take more time with the sulphur pools and other wonders in the park.

  • grandmaRgrandmaR Registered Users Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited September 12, 2020

    This is a very difficult task for me because I have revisited a lot of places - some of them again and again. And some of the places I'd like to go back to, I visited with my parents and I don't have any photos that **I **took - only pictures taken by my father. Switzerland for instance - I have not been since 1950 and the only photos I have are ones taken by my dad. Also some places that I'd like to go back to, I originally visited when the camera I was using wasn't the greatest so the pictures of it in my mind are better than the ones I have taken with a camera. Also some of the places I know have changed in ways that would make a re-visit sad rather than a happy experience. I know the place we lived in California is now a factory of some sort. The place I lived in college has been torn down and is now a parking lot. Just in the process of writing this, I've changed my mind four times about the places to enter. I decided to do one Europe, one Caribbean and one U.S. And then midway in the middle of entering the pictures I changed my mind again.

    The one European was easy - once I eliminated the places I haven't been since 1950 (Scotland, Switzerland, Austria), the obvious one was Lisbon. I have actually been to Lisbon twice, but the second time I was on a bus tour and didn't really have much time there. The first time was in 1964 with my sister and one year old niece. We pooled our photos, so I had to be sure the one I picked was actually taken by me. I debated whether to pick a photo of a building which I knew was there or of people. I decided on people. One afternoon while my sister was napping with the baby, I went out to the fish and vegetable market at the waterfront and took some photos. (I think this place no longer exists) One of the photos I took was of a bar for the fishermen at the market. The man is wearing a Portuguese plaid shirt

    1) Fisherman's Bar

    The United States was much more difficult. Back to Monterey where we lived for two years (1964-66)? Yosemite? The Grand Canyon? Maine (No I have no photos of my own of Maine), Key West? No I've been there many times and that's too easy to visit. I decided on Seattle. I was sent to Seattle for training in 1994 It was a two week course. After school, and on the weekend I visited some of the sites. And in 2011, I went back to take a cruise to Alaska. But one night is not enough for a revisit. We went up in the Space Needle for dinner and I took a lot of pretty pictures from there. But they are just pretty photos. So I'm submitting the photo of my dinner I had a whole fried rock fish.

    2) Whole Fried Rock Fish

    The Caribbean was also very difficult. My first idea was Bermuda - But we've been to Bermuda eight times. I think we know Bermuda pretty well. St Maartin? I've always wanted to go there and spend a week. Finally I settled on Belize. We spent two weeks in Belize in 1998 and I did some diving on the reef. Then I remembered. I always wanted to dive the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. So I took my granddaughter and we flew to Sydney in July (their winter) and got on a cruise ship. I figured diving was past me now, but I could at least snorkel. But just before we got to Port Douglas, I got the Australian flu from passengers who got on the ship sick. And I couldn't go to see the Great Barrier Reef. So that's where I would really like to revisit. This is a photo before I got sick

    3) Winter Wildflowers

    “" adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered." G.K. Chesterton”
  • DavidRGillespieDavidRGillespie Registered Users Posts: 820 Many Grins

    This is a really tough one for me - I get totally lost in memories as I browse through images of some of my favourite place. Some I have visited repeatedly, some only once with a promise to myself to return.. So, the selection

    1. Great Bear Rainforest. We kayaked for 8 days in this incredible wilderness. We saw no human habitation, and only two boats on the entire trip. Truly a wilderness to get lost in

    1. Bahia Tictoc, Patagonia region, Chile. We loved the people, the scenery and are looking forward to venturing further south, to Torres de Paine National Park, perhaps as far south as Punta Arenas

    1. The third is Spring Island, on the extreme west coast of Vancouver Island. I first arrived there as an infant almost 70 years ago, returned at age 12. The Island was a repeater station for the west coast LORAN system, since closed. After the closure I thought I would never visit again
      However, the Kyuquot first nation and West Coast Expeditions opened a kayak base camp on the island. We have returned twice, and will return again soon.

    My father was a avid photographer, and I include a scan on one of his images of Spring Island. So far as I can tell, the subject tree is the same in both images, separated by over 65 years.

  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator

    Many thanks to @Cavalier, @grandmaR, and @DavidRGillespie for your fine contributions to this mini. I am enjoying your photos and the stories that go with them. Your entries - along with the ones @JAG shared earlier - all make it clear that the judging will be difficult. But seeing your entries make it feel well worth having a broader theme this time. Hope you are all enjoying seeing these photos as well!

  • dlscott56dlscott56 Registered Users Posts: 1,324 Major grins

    Would love to return to Prague some day specifically to photograph the city. Beautiful place. I'd plan trips to specific sites with appropriate gear and have a great time shooting.

    Lots to see around Sun Valley, Idaho. Was lucky to catch this from a car on our way to do some fishing. If I get back, there will definitely be some scheduled hikes through mountain trails.

    Yosemite is somewhere you could return to many times and never stop finding amazing things to photograph.

  • pegellipegelli Registered Users Posts: 8,981 Major grins
    edited September 15, 2020

    Great theme Gretchen, and there's so many beautiful places I want to go back to. So I finally chose three that were all locations where I attended a photography workshop but really have to go back to by myself and take my time exploring the beauty without the teacher and the other participants. You learn a lot in those workshops but probably you also learn a lot by going back all alone.

    1: Tuscany

    2: Côtes-d'Armor (Bretagne)

    3: The old man of Storr (Skye)

    Pieter, aka pegelli
    My SmugMug
  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator

    Thank you for your fine entries, Dave @dlscott56 and Pieter @pegelli. I knew that this theme might be difficult to judge, and this is confirmed by the quality and variety of the entries coming in!

  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator

    This mini is ending on Wednesday evening, but there is still plenty of time for more people to contribute some photos here!

  • sarasphotossarasphotos Registered Users Posts: 3,872 Major grins
    edited September 22, 2020

    Gretchen, you've set up a very hard challenge for me - I have spent an inordinate amout of time thinking about my choices, which were difficult for several reasons. First, I've hardly been anywhere that I wouldn't like to visit again - and then again there are so many places I've haven yot been. Secondly, some of the places I'd like to visit again (Florence and Rome, for example) were either before digital and not yet scanned in or with an early digital point and shoot camera and not up to snuff. So here are my three - hopefully up to snuff. :smile:

    1) Hotel Moulin de la Beune, Les-Eyzies-de-Tayac, France
    In 2012 my partner and I had been together for several months and took our first big vacation together, a wonderful 2-week biking trip to Southwest France. Les Eyzies is a small town in the beautiful Dordogne region, an area full of rolling hills, castles atop stone cliffs and curving rivers and is a font of pre-history (the Cro Mangon man was discovered here). This was our first hotel on the road and we both fell in love with it. How wonderful to come back here after a day of riding up and down hills and sit in the garden sipping Pernod and watching the baby ducks frolic in the mill stream. It is such a romantic location we have decided that should we ever get married, this is where the ceremony would take place.

    2) Paris
    Now, I've been to/through Paris about 10 times and there never seem to be enough hours in the day. When I leave, I can't wait for my next visit. This past January, just before Corona hit, I had the opportunity to spend a long weekend in the company of my brother, who was there working on his French. We had a wonderful time, visiting markets and museums, cooking and visiting friends. As a matter of fact, this trip was the occasion of my first ever visit to the Louvre, if you can believe it. (Since I'd always visited in the summer, I never wanted to stand in the long lines and chose to visit other museums and places of interest.)
    This picture was taken on my first evening on a stroll near the apartment. Luckliy, on that weekend the weather was fantastic - clear and not horribly cold.

    3) Sunset over Lake Garda, in the province of Verona, Italy
    Every few years we get the chance to spend the week at my brother-in-law's holiday apartment overlooking the lake. As a matter of fact, we were there just two weeks ago, when this photo was taken. Lake Garda is the second largest of the northern Italian lakes and is ringed by picturesque towns and beautiful mountains. We generally don't go out in the evening, because if we did, we'd miss this view from the balcony. Imagine sitting there on a warm evening with a glass of wine and this view. Wouldn't you want to revisit asap???

  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator

    Thank you Sara! I enjoyed reading your stories as well as seeing your entries!

    Still one more day for people to enter this mini!

  • slpollettslpollett Registered Users Posts: 1,240 Major grins
    edited September 23, 2020

    So many places I want to visit that I haven't seen yet, but then so many places I've been that I want to see again. Nice topic!!

    1. Zion National Park: I love this place! I have been 4 times now, but cannot wait to go back. Does it help that my daughter works there now (so of course I want to go!)? After 4 visits, there is still much that we haven't done in the park. Our first visit, we didn't have much time. We hiked Angel's Landing (I stopped at Scout's Lookout because I totally wimped out), some of the Narrows, and then did some general sightseeing in the park. This photo is from that first visit. I took it from the bridge over the Virgin River just at the start of the trail up to Angel's Landing. It is still my favorite photo from Zion after 4 visits. Our second trip, we hiked the Narrows all the way to Wall Street, Canyon Overlook, Lower Emerald Pools, and Pa'rus as well as more general sightseeing and exploring the Kolob Canyons section of Zion. Each of our other two visits consisted of seeing different parts of the park, so no visit has been the same as another. Still, I cannot wait to go back for our next planned trip in November.

    2. Yellowstone National Park: We spent 4 days there once, barely scratched the surface of all there was to see, and absolutely loved it. There's still so much more for us to see there. I'd like to go back now that I have better camera equipment and lenses plus more experience. I'd like another chance at the Lower Yellowstone River Falls when there isn't snow or a mostly gray sky.

    3. Picking the last one is tough! I want to return to all the National Parks I have already visited, but I especially want to return to Moab, Utah to visit both Canyonlands and Arches. Our first trip to Arches was a lot of fun, but I did not get to hike Delicate Arch, so I want to go back for that one. I'd also LOVE to catch a sunrise in Canyonlands at Mesa Arch. The first time we visited, I didn't know Mesa Arch was a "must do" so I didn't know what I had when we were there. It was hot, I was tired and I really just took a couple of "quick pics" instead of lining up a better shot. I want a do-over!

    Sherry P.

  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator

    wow! Gretchen ( @sapphire73 ) I don't know how you are going to decide this! Awesome entries everyone!

  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator

    @JAG - I totally agree! Fun to see so many awesome entries and read the stories that go with them. But I will have a hard time with the judging!

  • lkbartlkbart Registered Users Posts: 1,912 Major grins

    Northern California, Redwood Forest ~ was simply breathtaking, would go back in a heartbeat!

    New Orleans, LA ~ where we went for our honeymoon, 15th anniversary (a surprise trip!), and a few months late for our 30th (waited for Mardi Gras that time); can't wait to go back!

    Colorado mountains, love the hiking!

    A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator

    This challenge is now over! Lillian, it was great to see your contributions come in today! Many thanks to you all! I will try to get the results up in a day or two.

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